Title Purpose
Sales area segments missing for the media product family (correspond tothe tax data on the publication) and deviating values for the mediaproduct family and media products for all synchronized attributes(except text fields). The following attributes are checked to ensure that they are consistentin the publication and media product family: - Division - Material group The following tax data on the publication and media product family ischecked: - Country relevant for tax - Tax classifications The following attributes are checked to ensure that they are consistentin the edition and media product: - Content category - Factory calendar - ISPC object number - ISPC sub-object number - ISSN number (ID code in the media product) - Postal distribution indicator (ID code in the media product) - Audit report identification - Audit report type - Statistics group - Report group 1 - Report group 2 - Base year for determining year number - Indicator for third-party delivery order - Publisher (business partner assignment in the media product) - Exception: The system does not check whether the frequency rulesmatch for the edition and media product, since the attributes referencedifferent check tables. Deviations in text fields in the media product family and mediaproduct. The following attributes are checked to ensure that they are consistentin the publication and media product family: - Short text (short text in the media product family) - Text (material short text in the media product family) - Subtitle (subtitle 1 and 2 in the media product family) The following attributes are checked to ensure that they are consistentin the edition and media product: - Short text (short text in the media product) - Internal long text (material short text in the media product) - External long text (title in the media product) Integration Selection Output |