Title This program is the central migration program used to delete issues andcreate issue sequences during media product migration. Purpose The report can only be executed as part of media product migration(migration of objects from the periodical product master to mediaproducts). What are the prerequisites for executing this report?
- The Customizing settings for publication migration must be maintained.
- The generation triggers for the editions of the publication must have
the trigger status "To be deleted" from the migration date (if thegeneration function was used in the periodical product master).
- The media product family specified in Customizing must be created for
the publication.
- Media products must be created for the editions.
- The data on the media product family and media products must have been
copied consistently (from the publication and editions). You can use report RJPMPMIGRATION_CHECK to check the consistency of thedata on the media product family/media products and thepublication/editions.
- You can restart this program if the issue sequences for the media
products do not yet contain any existing media issues. If you restartthis program, all issue sequences are deleted and recompiled.
- You cannot perform the following processes in parallel with this
report: - Editing issue sequences for the migrated media products - Generation trigger maintenance (if the generation function was usedin the periodical product master) How are issues migrated to issue sequences?
- The issues for each edition are deleted from the migration date and
(planned) issue sequences are created for the media products assignedto the editions. The following attributes of the issues are copied to these issuesequences: publication date, copy number, variant types, year number,sequence number in year. All other attributes of the media issue arecopied from the template issue in the issue sequence. (The media issues from the issue sequence must be created after theissue sequences have been postedited manually.)
- The generation triggers of the editions are assigned the status
- The deleted issues are saved for later migration steps in table
JSDVA_MIG. You must note the following after this migration step: