SAP Program RJKWWWTEMP_SERV - Process Changes from Internet

Editing Changes from the Internet

This report is used to edit changes to subscription or business partnerdata from the Internet that are stored in a temporary table. Thefollowing changes can be entered by the customer in the Internet:

  • Sold-to party address

  • Suspension of an order item

  • Redirection for an order item

  • Payment data for an order item
  • Integration
    The report is a postediting function for the Internet applicationcomponents (IAC) Change Address (program SAPMJKWWW02; Internet serviceJKWWW02), Vacation Service (program SAPMJKWWW03; Internet serviceJKWWW03) and Change Payment Data (program SAPMJKWWW04; Internet serviceJKWWW04).

    Changes from the Internet must be stored temporarily. You can define inCustomizing whether the data is stored temporarily and if so, for whatreasons. You can choose between the following options:

    • Store all changes from the Internet temporarily

    • Only store errored changes

    • Do not store any changes

    • The setting is made separately for each IAC in Customizing under:
      SAP Media -> Master Data -> Business Partner -> InternetApplication Components (IACs) -> IAC Change Address ->Define Variants of IAC Change Addressn
      , field Data Destination for changes to the sold-to partyaddress,
      SAP Media -> Periodical Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Order ->Internet Application Components -> IAC Vacation Service ->Define Variants of IAC Vacation Service
      , field Data Destination for suspensions and redirections,
      SAP Media -> Periodical Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Order ->Internet Application Components -> IAC Change Payment Data ->Define Variants of IAC Change Payment Data
      field Data Destination for changes to payment data on anorder item.
      If you only want errored changes to be stored temporarily, please notethat either all changes are made directly or none at all during theprocess flow of an Internet application component. This means, forexample, that if the customer enters a suspension for two order itemsand an error occurs for one of them, both changes are storedtemporarily (a change always refers to one order item or sold-to partyaddress, so that a suspension of two order items constitutes twochanges).

      You can restrict selection of the changes you want to postedit byspecifying selection criteria on the selection screen.

      The report lists the changes selected. The output screen contains awide range of functions for sorting, filtering and exporting this list.The traffic light icon indicates the status of each record. The colorof the light has the following meaning:
      Green: the change for this entry was already made successfully in thesystem (an address was changed, a suspension or redirection was createdor the payment data on an order was changed).
      Yellow: the entry has not yet been processed. The order has been storedtemporarily because the Customizing settings specify that all changesfrom the Internet are to be stored temporarily or because the changewas entered during a run of the IAC in which an error occurred foranother change.
      Red: An error was identified when this change was entered in theInternet or during postprocessing. This error must be corrected.

      Functions in the Output List
      You can double click on a change to access a detail screen. Thefunction 'Create/Execute Change' starts the selected change if it hasnot already been made. If an error occurs, the system accesses thedetail screen for the change, where you can correct the error andrestart the change process. The function 'Delete Entry from TemporaryTable' allows you to delete the selected record - regardless of whetheror not the change was already made. You can recover the last recorddeleted while the program is running.
      In addition to these individual functions, collective functions arealso available for making changes and deleting them from the temporarytable. In collective change processing, you must first specify theinterval to be processed in a dialog box. The system enters theinterval from the entry you just selected to the last entry in the listas default. You can process the list in two different ways: you caneither have processing stop when an error is identified and display theerror on the appropriate detail screen or skip errors and execute allthe possible changes in the interval first. You must also choose aninterval for the function 'Delete in Collective Processing'. In thiscase, you can also specify that only records that have a certain statuscan be deleted in the interval, for example all records processed.

      Functions on the Detail Screen
      If the change has not yet been processed, the data can be changed. Thefunction 'Create/Execute Change' starts the change process andprocessing stops when an error is identified. An error message providesyou with information on the error. You must correct the error firstbefore restarting the change process. You can then delete the recordfrom the temporary table. You can also jump to the previous or nextrecord on the detail screen.
      In addition to these functions, which are available for all changes,there are also functions that depend on the change type. For example,you can perform an address check for the address change or redirection.

      Logging Changes
      If specified in the Customizing settings for the application, a logrecord is written for each successful change. You can display the logof orders and changes from the Internet using the reportRJKWWW_PROTOCOL.

1580096IAC: Payment card in plain text after change to payment data