Title Edit Data from the Internet that has been Stored Temporarily Purpose This report allows you to further process order and business partnerdata from the Internet that has been stored temporarily. If you enter classified ads on the Internet, orders can be rejected dueto errors or duplicates or can be saved in a temporary table. You usethis report to postprocess orders that have been saved temporarily. Integration This report is a postprocessing function for the Subscription Sales > (Media Sales and Distribution) and Enter Classified Ads>(Advertising Management) Internet application components.Prerequisites Data from the Internet is saved temporarily. You define whether datacan be saved temporarily and the reasons for this in Customizing. Media Sales and Distribution SAP Media -> Media Sales and Distribution -> Periodical Sales ->Sales -> Order -> Internet Application Components -> IAC SubscriptionSales -> Definition of Variants of IACSubscription Sales> Data destination> field. Advertising Management SAP Media-> Advertising Management -> Sales -> Order -> InternetApplication Components -> Entry of Classified Ads ->General Settings> Data destination>field.Selection You can restrict the orders that you want to postprocess on theselection screen. Output The system displays a list with a selection of orders. Comprehensivefunctions to sort, filter and export this list are available to you onthe display screen. The traffic light icon describes the status of data records that havebeen saved temporarily. The color of this light has the followingsignificance: Green:,,A business partner and an order have already been createdsuccessfully in the system for this entry. Yellow:,,The entry has not yet been processed. Red:,,The system discovered an error or a duplicate during entry on theInternet or during postprocessing. Functions on the display screen The following functions for editing the orders selected are availableto you: Display detail screen> You can display detailed information for an entry on a tab page orprint preview. You can toggle between these two display forms. Change detail screen> You can change entries for which no order has been created on the tabpage in the change mode. Create order> You can create an order and a business partner for an entry from thelist or the detail screen. If an error or duplicate occurs, the system interrupts processing witha message. If you create the order in dialog, processing can becontinued once the error has been resolved or can be triggered again. Create order in collective processing> You can create orders in a collective processing run for all entries orselected entries from the list. To do so, you should select the firstentry for which an order is to be created in collective processing andchoose the collective processing function. You define the area forcollective processing and choose a processing type in a dialog box. Thesystem terminates processing for the Create and stop if errorsoccur> processing type. The system assigns the red light to anerrored entry for the Create and skip error> processing type. Delete entry from temporary table> You can delete an entry from the temporary table regardless of whetherit has already been processed. No confirmation prompt is displayed. Thelast record deleted during a program run can however be restored. Delete several entries> You can delete several entries in a collective processing run. Youselect the entries for deletion when you create orders in a collectiveprocessing run. You can also specify whether processed, unprocessedand/or errored records are to be deleted.Control program run The system processes entries according to the settings that have beenmade in Customizing. If you have specified that duplicates are to betaken account of when the business partner is created, these are alsotaken account of during postprocessing. Internet user> The system creates an Internet user during postprocessing if this hasbeen defined in Customizing (Media Sales and Distribution only) or bythe customer when they created the order. This user is created usingthe business partner number and password for the user. If the systemcannot create the Internet user, it informs the user that this is thecase but creates the order anyway. |