SAP Program RJKWBZ01 - WBZ Inbound Processing

WBZ inbound processing: import inbound file from WBZ computer center

The logical inbound file, computer center and date set up the referenceto the physical inbound file: the definition of the logical inboundfile must contain the parameters and . When thephysical file name is determined, is the computer center and the date from the selection screen.
For information on further options for using parameters in file names,please see the documentation on function module FILE_GET_NAME or on thedata element FILEEXTERN.
In the first run, the data is imported from the inbound file to adatabase table (JKTWBZIN) and read from there in further runs. Thecontents of this table are deleted again when the data is reorganizedby means of report RJKWBZ03. The processing statusof a record is noted in a further database table (JKTWBZSTAT).
To prevent obsolete records being imported, you can specify a limit upto which past copy numbers are accepted and correct it to the next copynumber for which delivery is viable. If you do not want to do this, youcan also have the report accept all copy numbers.
Processing mode:
'Process all records': Processes all records. The result is displayedin a status list from which you can postprocess individual records indialog processing.
'Display status list directly': The records are not processed again andthe status list is displayed directly.
'Test mode: Process ___ records per file': The specified number ofrecords is processed as a test. No database changes take place. If youdo not specify a number, the report processes all records as a test.
'Test mode: Display status list directly': The records are notprocessed again and the status list is displayed directly. You canpostprocess individual records in test mode from this list. No databasechanges take place.
You can also have the report display the records for a computer centerin a separate dialog box. You can access a detail screen for one ofthese records by double clicking on the record in question. This allowsyou to view the inbound data for a rough check.
The records to be imported must be in structure RJKWBZ and the returnrecords are also created in this structure.
Authorization check:

  • Authorization object: J_WBZ_IN

  • Authorization: J_WBZ_IN in composite profile J_KVERK_ALL
  • Output
    Errored and corrected records are noted in a database table (JKTWBZOUT)and can be transferred to a confirmation file using reportRJKWBZ02.
    The list screen displayed contains statistical data on the status ofthe records processed and provides information on various error andwarning situations:
    RESET N1
    IS-M errors: Errors that are likely not to have originated inthe record but to have been caused by incorrect (customizing) settingsor distribution data in the System, unsuccessful delivery viabilitydetermination or similar error situations. These errors may have to becorrected in the System before WBZ records can be imported properly.
    WBZ errors: Errors (red) and corrections (green) that arise whenthe WBZ records are checked and about which the WBZ company must beinformed. Records that lead to errors are rejected and can be correctedmanually if necessary (see below) and imported again. Records that havealready been corrected automatically exist in the System and can nolonger be edited manually.
    WBZ warnings: The records referred to were not imported and canonly be brought into the System by means of manual postprocessing. Thefollowing situations are displayed as a WBZ warning:
    Number of copies in record exceeds the warning quantity specified inthe customizing settings.
    Promotion rebate key is incorrect.
    If past copy numbers are only accepted up to certain limits (option onselection screen), the oldest copy number not processed is alsodisplayed in the list.
    RESET N1
    Manual postprocessing: Double click on an entry in the lists ofIS-M errors, WBZ records and WBZ warnings to access an overview listingthe records that belong to the appropriate error category. In theoverview, you can double click again to access a detail screen on whichyou can manually edit the inbound record (for records that do not yetexist in the System). You can make changes to the following fields:
    Form of address key (field 17)
    Name (field 18)
    Street (field 21)
    Postal code (field 14)
    City (field 22)
    Address affix and indicator (fields 19 and 20)
    Number of copies (field 9)
    Promotion rebate key (field 12)
    RESET N1
    Records that have already led to changes in the System cannot bechanged. Instead, you can display the items created in this case.
    The details screen contains function buttons that enable you to displaydata on the computer center or the WBZ company.
    The following rules are observed when checking and if applicablechanging an inbound record:
    Name: The first and last names are only separated if the separator isspecified in the name field.
    Conversion of address data is controlled by acustomizing indicator for the computer center
    The correction of a street name in postal shipping, if there is astreet directory for the city, is controlled by a furthercustomizing indicator specified for the computercenter.
    The postal code is normally not changed when the inbound address datais converted.
    The text 'P.O. box' must be specified in the street field for postal codes.
    The street field must be blank for major customers (identified by themajor customer postal code).
    House numbers, house number affixes and storeys are extracted from thestreet field according to certain rules and transferred to theappropriate IS-M fields.
    Second subscriptions do not lead to the creation of a new order but toa new item in the order previously terminated.
    RESET N1
    Remarks on record fields:
    WBZKUNNR + VERTRKENNZ + ABONR: Identify an item uniquely.
    WBZTERMIN: Used to determine the time of creation or change.
    In the case of new subscriptions, second subscriptions and changes, thedate specifies the time from which the new subscription or the changeare valid.
    In the case of terminations, the date specifies the first copynot delivered.