Report RJKSDQEVENTMNG (transaction JKSDQEVENT) can be used to create,change, and display events in quantity planning for Media Product Sales.The report also allows you to assign events to certain contracts(media products). Transaction JKSDQEVENT also allows you to changethe planned sales figures for one or more media issues on a specificdate and to adjust the corresponding quantity plan records in tableJKSDDEMAND.


Creating Events
To create an event, choose 'Create New Event'. You can assign an eventID externally or internally. If you do not make an entry, the systemassigns an internal number when you save the data. You must maintaincorresponding number range intervals for the object ISP_EVENTQ intransaction SNRO.
You can assign an eventattributes and theircharacteristics. Before you canuse this function, you must maintain attributes and characteristics inCustomizing(See release notes for IS-M 4.72).
Choose the 'Contracts' tab to assign contracts to the event('Find/Assign Contracts' pushbutton).

Changing Events
You can find and select events using the Locator. Double click on anentry in the results list to copy an event to the work area. Switchto change mode to change the event ('Change/Display' pushbutton).

Displaying Events
Before you can display an event, you must select it using the Locator.Double click on an entry in the results list to copy the event to thework area.

Copying Events
You can also copy events. Before doing this, the results list ofevents must be compiled. Select the event that is to be used as thetemplate for copying by clicking on it with the right mouse button. Thesystem displays a dialog box. The system creates a new event when theevent is copied. The event ID can either be assigned manually (byexplicitly specifying an external ID) or automatically.
Once the event has been created, you can change the assigned mediaproduct and publication date. When doing this, please pay attention tothe following:

  • When you change the media product, all contract assignments will be
  • deleted
    • When you change the publication date, the system checks the assigned
    • contracts to determine whether planning records exist that correspondto the new publication date. If the publication date does not match,these assignments will be deleted.

      Changing Quantity Planning
      You can change the delivery quantities in quantity planning. In thiscase, you can make a percentage or absolute change here. The quantityplanning records are refreshed on the 'Contracts' tab using the button'Refresh Planning Records'.

      Assignment to Contracts
      Assignment to certain contracts can be carried out on the tab pageusing the 'Find/Assign Contracts' pushbutton. The contracts are selectedin a separate dialog. You must then select the desired contracts andexit the selection dialog. You can also delete the assigned contractsagain.

      You can select the last events you processed from the 'Favorites' tab.