Edit quantity plan for media issue, publication date or copy number

This program simplifies changes to quantity plan entries defined in thetransactions Quantity Plan for Contract,Quantity Plan for Phase Delivery andUpdate Delivery Quantities. The selection criteriaallow you to select the quantities to be changed in a variety of waysfor all customers.

The delivery status is displayed for eachquantity. If there are still orders without follow-on documents, you canmodify the order quantities using the transactionChange Order Quantities.

The quantities must have been defined beforehand. You cannot createquantity records using this program.

You can specify various criteria to select contracts whose quantitiesare to be changed for a certain media issue. You can use theselection variant tree to select thecontracts.
You can change the quantities in the following ways:

  • Percentage surcharge or discount: enter a percentage.

  • Absolute surcharge or discount: enter a quantity.

  • Same as reference issue: enter a reference media issue.

  • Using a forecast exit: choose a forecast exit.

  • You can display the quantities for the next, previous, first or lastmedia issue with a mouse click. If you specify a reference media issue,the system also displays the next, previous, first or last media issuefor it, which you can prevent by selecting the Fix checkbox.

    The data is displayed using an ALVlist. This gives you all the options available in ALV lists, such assorting and filtering. The media issue or reference media issue, ifspecified, is the column header for the quantities.
    To change the quantities, you must select the quantities in question inthe list and choose Execute. If you do not select specificentries, the system processes the entire list. You can also enterquantity fields in a row in the list directly.