Title Purpose Features Selection
You can make entries to restrict the publications and edition to beevaluated and time specifications for the evaluation of thesubscription on this tab page. You can make entries to restrict the subscriptions to be evaluated inthis section. On this tab page, you can specify how the subscriptions are to beinterpreted, for example whether partial subscriptions are to beweighted, whether the purchase quantities or number of orders are to beevaluated etc. On this tab page, you control how the key columns (characteristics) aredisplayed and the way in which the data is to be sorted and subtotalscalculated when a control break is made for the characteristic. On this tab page, you control which key figure columns are to bedisplayed in the list and the way in which subscription lifetimes areto be sorted in various lifetime columns. Data Selection Options (i.e. selection of subscriptions for processing) These fields allow you specify the editions for which subscriptions areto be evaluated. You can specify an interval here to select the orders for processingaccording to the start of their validity period. Example: To prevent the system selecting orders that are not validuntil after the analysis date, enter a period from 01/01/1900 to thekey date mentioned above. This date interval allows you to limit the orders for processingaccording to the end of their validity period. Subscriptions that havenot yet been terminated have a validity period that ends on 12/31/9999. Example: If you only want to select orders that have been terminated bythe key date, specify a period from 01/01/1900 to the "key date minus 1day". Example: To select only terminated orders (also those with atermination date in the future), specify the period 01/01/1900 to12/31/9999. A selection of pushbuttons allow you to enter defaults in the selectionfields for the order validity periods based on the parameter "Key datefor analysis". On this tab page, you can specify selection criteria for the following:subscription sales document type, sales organization, distributionchannel, division, service type, normal delivery country, deliverytype, purchase reason, termination reason, sales source, salespromotion, advertising medium, service company (of commissionrecipient), commission recipient, gift, payment method, customer pricegroup, purchase quantity (for including/excluding multiple purchasers). Here, you can select the item types that are to be included in thelifetime analysis. To see how individual orders are processed in the statistics, you canselect individual orders or a number of orders here. If you only selecta few orders here (a few hundred), you can also execute the program indialog. Controlling the Program Interpretation Logic Here, you must decide how reversed orders are to be processed. You canchoose between the following settings: Include: Reversed orders are included in the statistics Include if delivered: Reversed orders are included in the statistic ifthey have been delivered at least once. Ignore: Reversed orders are NOT included in the statistics. This parameter allows you to control the inclusion of backdated orders.If you select the parameter, backdated time slices of orders areincluded. If you do not select it, backdated time portions ofsubscriptions are ignored, i.e. the "regular start of delivery" of thesubscriptions is treated as the start of the validity period. Select this parameter to include orders for which delivery is notviable; otherwise, only "viable" subscriptions are included in thestatistics. It is crucial that delivery was viable for the order at thestart of delivery. You can control processing of the selected orders using the followingparameters: This indicator allows you to control whether partial subscriptions(e.g. Saturday subscriptions, 1/6) are counted according to the partialsubscription weighting from the mix offers for the edition or whetherthe purchase quantities of partial subscriptions are to be counted asone. Here, you can control whether the purchase quantities of thesubscriptions are evaluated or whether the number of subscriptions isto be evaluated (i.e. if each subscription counts as 1). Here, you can determine for all lifetime columns and for the column"Valid subscriptions on key date" whether the value is to be displayedas an absolute figure ("units") or as a percentage share ("percent") inthe column "Total subscription quantity". Example: A total subscription quantity of 500 is to be displayed in onerow and 300 of these are to be marked as valid on the key date. If youchoose the unit of measurement "Units", the absolute value 300 isdisplayed in the column "Valid subscriptions on key date". If youchoose "Percentage", the percentage share 60 (%) is displayed here. The subscriptions evaluated are usually classified according to thebeginning of the order (see below characteristic column "Grid 'Orderstart'"). To do this, you can define different grid sizes for fourdifferent periods. The grid sizes are: D=day, W=week, M=month,Q=quarter, H=half year, Y=year. Please take care to define the periods in ascending order and withoutoverlaps; subscriptions that begin before the first period specifiedare displayed in a row with the information "< dd.mm.yyyy", wheredd.mm.yyyy is the from-date of the first interval. The same applies tosubscriptions that begin after the last of the specified intervals. Example: You want to group subscriptions from the years 1990 to 1998 inyears and subscriptions that began in 1999 in months. To do this, youneed to make the following entries: Order start from 01/01/1900 to 12/31/1998 in grid Y Order start from 01/01/1999 to 12/31/1999 in grid M Output Control Options This tab page allows you to control output in the list of all the keycolumns possible in the program. Select the box in the "Output" column if you want the field displayedin the list. In the column "Col. no.", enter the list column in which the field isto be displayed; please take care to assign column numbers for thefields to be displayed (characteristics and key figures) withoutleaving any gaps. In the column "Sort seq.", you determine the way in which the list isto be sorted; here too, you should specify a sequence indicating thefirst field to be used for sorting, the second field and so on. The column "Create totals" determines whether or not a subtotal is tobe displayed in the basic list when a control break is made for thecharacteristic. Note: It is not usually necessary to create totals forthe field with the highest sort level number (the field to be used lastfor sorting), since this is normally on the level of individual rows inthe list. Please note the following: You cannot specify column positions for the "Publication" and "Edition"fields. These fields are always displayed in the page header for thelist if the "Output" checkbox is selected. When a control break ismade, a new page is begun in the list. The characteristic field "Grid 'Order start'" is determined from thestart of validity of the relevant order item in the list. The value isdetermined for each order according to your entries in the block "Linegrid (column "Order start")" (see above). Example: According to theselection criteria in the above example, an order beginning on08/01/1987 would be displayed in a row with order start = 1987. Anorder beginning on 08/01/1999 is displayed with order start = 08/1999. This tab page allows you to control output in the basic list of all thekey figure columns possible in the program. In the column "Output", you specify whether or not the key figure is tobe displayed in the list. Under "In column", specify the column in the list in which the field isto be displayed; please take care to assign column numbers for thefields to be displayed (characteristics and key figures) withoutleaving any gaps. In the column "Suppress 0", you specify whether or not display of zeroquantities and amounts is to be suppressed. The columns "Duration" and "Grid" are only relevant for the lifetimelist columns, of which there can be a maximum of 10. You use thiscolumn to define the assignment of the lifetime of an order evaluatedto one of these list columns. Specify the maximum lifetime (inascending order) for which an order is to be assigned to the listcolumn as follows: Example: You specify the following selection criteria Lifetime column 1: < 1 M Lifetime column 2: < 2 M Lifetime column 3: < 1 Q Lifetime column 4: < 1 H Lifetime column 5: < 1 Y The lifetime of a subscription is calculated up to the key date. Forexample, an order that lasted less than 1 month is displayed inlifetime column 1, an order that was valid for longer than a half yearbut not as long as a year is assigned to lifetime column 5. Orders thatwere valid for longer than a year are displayed in "Lifetime columnoverflow". Standard_variants Example for long term evaluation of lifetimes. Subscriptions aredivided into yearly grids row by row. The subscriptions that last lessthan one year are split up into quarters in the columns, after thatinto 7 year columns. Average lifetimes are also displayed. Example for a shorter term evaluation of lifetimes that is suited, forexample, for evaluating individual sales promotions that took placerecently. Older subscriptions (1990 - 1998) are divided into yearlygrids row by row and newer ones into monthly grids. In the columns, alifetime of up to a half year is split up into months, after that intocolumns of 1 year and 2 years. All subscriptions that lasted longerthan that are displayed in the overflow column. Columns are explodedhere by sales source, sales promotion and new subscriptions. Output Apart from a few exceptions, the characteristics are taken from theorders processed. Grid 'Order start' This is the start of validity of the orders in the statistics, sortedin a grid according to the selection criteria you specified under "Linegrid (column 'Order start')" UM for total subs.quantity This is the sales unit of measure that applies to all subscriptionorders. Hint: since this unit of measure is a contant in the system,you do not necessarily need to print it in the list. UM for lifetimes This is the unit of measure you defined in output control for thelifetime columns. Total subs.quantity This is the total of all the subscriptions that are displayed in thelist row "Total"; total purchase quantity or number of subscriptionsdepending on the sort settings in the parameter "Key figure forevaluation". Lifetime columns 1 to 10 and overflow Each subscription evaluated is assigned to a lifetime column anddisplayed there according to your specifications for the duration andgrid of the columns, as a purchase quantity or number of subscriptions(parameter "Key figure for evaluation") and as an absolute figure or apercentage (parameter "UM for lifetimes"). Subscriptions that have alonger lifetime than the longest specified duration are assigned to theoverflow column. Valid on key date (active) The total of all subscriptions valid on the key date is displayed here.The parameters "Key figure for evaluation" and "UM for lifetimes" alsoinfluence this. Average lifetime of all, active, inactive subscriptions The average lifetime in years of the subscriptions in the particularrow (1 year is estimated at 365.25 days). "Active subscriptions" arethose subscriptions that are valid on the key date for analysis; in thesame way, "inactive subscriptions" are those that have been terminatedon the key date. |