Title Purpose Features Selection
You can use this tab page to specify selection criteria for thepublications and editions to be evaluated. On this tab page, you can specify selection criteria for thesubscriptions to be evaluated. Besides performing selection accordingto various subscription attributes, you can also restrict selectionaccording to the date from which the subscriptions are valid. Here, you can specify the way in which the subscriptions are to beinterpreted, for example, whether partial subscriptions are to beweighted or whether the purchase quantities or number of orders are tobe evaluated. Here, you control output of the key columns (features) to be displayedin the list as well as sorting and subtotaling when a characteristiccontrol break is made. Here you can specify which key figure columns are to be displayed inthe list. Data Selection Options In these fields, you can specify the editions whose subscriptions areto be evaluated. You can specify an interval here to select the orders to be included inthe evaluation according to the start of their validity. For example, to prevent orders being selected that do not become validuntil after the analysis date, choose an interval beginning on January1 of the previous year and ending on the key date specified above. Please note: Due to the length of the resulting list, it is notadvisable to select orders with a validity period beginning too farback in the past (e.g. 1/1/1900). The default value is a period encompassing the last 12 full months andthe current month. Here, you can make selections according to subscription sales documenttype, sales organization, distribution channel, division, service type,purchase reason, sales source, sales promotion, advertising medium,service company (of commission recipient), commission recipient. In order to see how individual orders are processed in the statistics,you can select one or more orders here. If you only select a smallnumber of orders (a few hundred at most), you can also run the programin dialog. Control of Program Interpretation Logic If you select this checkbox, standard items whose billing period beginsafter the start of the validity period are treated like free items thathave been converted to standard items when the billing period begins. Here, you determine how reversed orders are to be included. You havethe following options: Include: Reversed orders are included in the statistics. Include if delivered: Reversed orders are included in the statistics ifthey have been delivered at least once. Ignore: Reversed orders are NOT included in the statistics. You use this parameter to control the way in which backdated orders areincluded. If you select the parameter, backdated time slices of ordersare also included. If you do not select the parameter, backdated timeportions of subscriptions are ignored, i.e. the "regular start ofdelivery" of the subscriptions is taken as the start of their validityperiod. Select this parameter to include orders for which delivery is notviable - otherwise, only orders for which delivery is viable areincluded in the statistics. The distinction is made according towhether or not delivery was viable for the order at the start ofdelivery. You can use the following parameters to control processing of theselected orders: This enables you to control whether partial subscriptions (e.g.Saturday subscriptions, 1/6) are paid according to the partialsubscription weighting from the mix offers for the edition or whetherthe purchase quantities for partial subscriptions are to be paid infull. This allows you to control whether the purchase quantities ofsubscriptions are evaluated or whether the number of subscriptions isto be evaluated (i.e. whether each subscription counts as 1). Here, you can control whether the value in all key figure columnsexcept "Total new subscription orders" is to be displayed as anabsolute value ("units") or as a percentage ("Percentage") in thecolumn "Total new subscription orders". For example, one line is to contain 500 new subscriptions, 300 of whichare still TIs (trial items) and 200 are FIs (free items). If you choosethe unit of measure "Units", the absolute value of 300 is displayed inthe column "New TI". If you choose "Percent", the percentage 60% isdisplayed here. The subscriptions evaluated are usually classified according to thestart of the order (see the characteristic column "Grid "Order from"").You can define different grid sizes for 4 different time slices. Thepossible grid sizes are D=day, W=week, M=month, Q=quarter, H=half year,Y=year. Please define the periods in ascending order and without overlaps;subscriptions that begin before the first period specified areindicated with "< dd.mm.yyyy" in one line, representing the from-dateof the first interval. The same applies to subscriptions that beginafter the last of the specified intervals. For example, you want to group subscriptions from the years 1990 to1998 in years and subscriptions that began in 1999 in months. To dothis, you would specify the following: Order start from 01/01/1900 to 12/31/1998 in grid Y Order start from 01/01/1999 to 12/31/1999 in grid M Output Control Options In this area, you can control output of all the key columns possible inthe program in the list. Select the column "Output" if you want to have the field displayed inthe list. In the column "Col. no.", specify the list column in which the field isto be displayed; please assign column numbers for the fields to bedisplayed (characteristics and key figures) without leaving gaps. In the column "Sort sequence", you determine the way in which the listis to be sorted. Here too, you specify the sequence in which the fieldsare to be taken for sorting. The column "Create totals" allows you to determine that a subtotal isto be displayed in the list if a control break is made for thecharacteristic. Note: You will not normally need to form totals for thefield with the "largest" sort level (the field used last in sorting)since this normally represents the level of the individual lines in thelist. Please note the following: You cannot specify column positions for the publication and edition.These fields are always displayed in the page header of the list if thecolumn "Output" is selected. When a control break takes place, the listbegins a new page. The characteristic field Grid "Order from" is determined from the startof validity of the order item being included in the list. The value isdetermined for each order according to your specifications in the block"Line grid (column "Order from")" (see above). For example, inaccordance with the selection criteria quoted in the above example, anorder with a validity period beginning on 08/01/1987 is displayed in aline as Order from = 1987. An order with a validity period beginning on08/01/1999 is displayed as Order from = 08/1999. In this area, you can control output of all the key figure columnspossible in the program in the basic list. In the column "Output", you specify whether or not the key figure is tobe displayed in the list. In the column "Col. no.", you specify the column in which the field isto be displayed; when doing this, please take care to assign the columnnumbers for the fields to be displayed (characteristics and keyfigures) without leaving gaps. In the column "Suppress zeros", you specify whether quantities andamounts of zero are to be displayed. Below follows an explanation of the individual key figures: Total new subscription orders This key figure column contains all new subscriptions (SI + FI + TI)included in the statistics (column header "New sub."). No.of new trial items This key figure column contains the number of new trial items includedin the statistics (column header "New TI"). Trial items act.on key date This key figure column contains the trial items still active on the keydate and which had also not yet been converted to standard items onthis date (column header "Active TI"). Trial items inact.on key date This key figure column contains the trial items no longer active on thekey date but which were also not converted to standard items on thisdate (column header "Inactive TI"). TI converted to SI This key figure column contains the trial items converted to standarditems (column header "SI from TI"). SI from TI active on key date Number of standard items still active on the key date that resultedfrom conversion from trial items (column header "Act.SI (TI)"). SI from TI inact.on key date Number of standard items no longer active on the key date that resultedfrom conversion from trial items (column header "Inac.SI (TI)"). No.of new free items This key figure column contains the number of new free items includedin the statistics (column header "New FI"). Free items active on key date This key figure column contains the free items still active on the keydate but which had not yet been converted to standard items on thisdate (column header "Active FI"). Free items inact.on key date This key figure column contains the free items no longer active on thekey date but which were not converted to standard items on the key date(column header "Inactive FI"). TI converted to SI on key date This key figure column contains the free items converted to standarditems (column header "SI from FI"). SI from FI active on key date Number of standard items still active on the key date that resultedfrom conversion from free items (column header "Act.SI (FI)"). SI from FI inact.on key date The number of standard items no longer active on the key date thatresulted from conversion from free items (column header "Inac.SI(FI)"). No.of new standard items This key figure column contains the number of new standard itemsincluded in the statistics (column header "New SI"). Std items active on key date This key figure column contains the standard items still active on thekey date that resulted from conversion from free items or trial items(column header "Active SI"). Std items inact. on key date This key figure column contains the standard items no longer active onthe key date that resulted from conversion from free items or trialitems (column header "Inactive FI"). Output The characteristics are taken from the orders processed, but for a fewexceptions. Grid "Order from" This is the start of the validity period of the orders included in thestatistics structured according to your selection criteria in thesection "Line grid (column "Order from")". UM for new subs.quantity This is the sales unit of measure that applies to all subscriptionorders. Since this unit of measure is a constant in the system, you donot necessarily need to have it printed in the list. UM for subsequent quantities This is the unit of measure you defined in output control forsubsequent quantities (see above, units or percent). For information on the origin or meaning of the individual key figurescolumns, please see the section "List key figures" under "Outputcontrol options". |