Description Selection option
Data selection options: The report evaluates subscriptions in this period. You can make restrictions according to certain subscription types; ifyou do not make any entries, all subscription sales document types areevaluated. You can specify selection criteria relating to the sales organization,distribution channel and division; if you do not specify any criteria,the report processes all subscriptions regardless of these factors. Here, you can restrict the subscriptions evaluated to those for thecountry normally supplied (for example, if a redirection is made to aforeign country, this is the country from the standard order item); ifyou leave this field blank, the statistics include all subscriptionsirrespective of the country. The publications specified here are included in the evaluation; if youdo not specify any publications, the report evaluates all of them. The editions specified here are included in the evaluation; if you donot specify any editions, the report evaluates all of them. You can make entries to restrict the service types evaluated; if you donot specify any criteria, the report evaluates all service types. Flag the appropriate fields to restrict the dataset to standard items,free items (with or without automatic transformation to chargeable),trial items (with or without automatic transformation to chargeable) orcombinations of the three; you must select at least one item type. These parameters allow you to control how reversed orders (for whichdeliveries may have been made up to reversal) are to be treated. If you select this parameter, the statistics include backdatedsubscription orders from the initial validity date (even before theregular start of delivery). If you select this parameter, the statistics include subscriptionorders for which delivery was not viable during the analysis period. For testing purposes, you can restrict data selection to individualorders. If you select individual orders or only a few in this field,the statistics can also be run in dialog processing. Options for output control This parameter allows you to determine whether partial subscriptions(e.g. Saturday subscribers) are counted according to the partialsubscription weighting from the mix offers for the edition or whetherthe purchase quantities for partial subscriptions are to be counted infull. The evaluation includes the postal code areas in the variant youdefine. All other postal codes are grouped under 'Others' and listed. Any purchase reasons you specify here are listed separately in thestatistics; all other purchase reasons are grouped and listed under'Others'. (Note: If there are a large number of purchase reasons, youmust restrict selection here since otherwise the width of the listdisplayed will exceed that allowed.) You can create these statistics by selecting the summarization level'Publication' and/or 'Edition'; if you select both options, the reportdisplays a totals sheet for all editions each time the publication ischanged. Summation and output of subscriptions is performed accordingto the different postal code areas. If you select the parameter 'Create list', you can have the Systemdisplay these statistics; the subscriptions are totaled for eachedition throughout all postal code areas. The delivery end reasons you specify are listed separately in thestatistics; all other existing delivery end reasons are grouped andlisted under 'Others' (as in 'List purchase reasons'). You can select the summarization level for the publication and/oredition to have these statistics generated; if you select both options,the report displays a totals sheet for all editions each time it moveson to a different publication. Summation and output of subscriptionstakes place according to the different postal code areas. You can select this indicator to have these statistics created;summation of subscriptions takes place for each edition throughout allpostal code areas. Precondition Output Example Period 01.05.1996 31.05.1996 Subscription SDoc. type No entries SOrg./DChann./Division No entries Publication A C Edition No entries Service type VA Standard items x (selected) Free items x (selected) Trial items Not selected PCode area eval.variant PL1 Purch.reasons for list 101 110 Del.end reasons for list 105 109 Generate list 'Transactions by purchase reasons in postal code areas' Publication x (selected) Edition x (selected) Generate list 'Transactions by delivery end reasons for each edition' x (selected) |