Description Selection screen
Data selection options: This determines the key date to be evaluated. You can delimit different subscription types; if you do not make anentry, the report evaluates all existing subscription sales documenttypes. Offers (although they belong to subscriptions in the salesdocument type grouping) are excluded from data selection. You can specify data on the sales organization, distribution channeland product division; if you do not make any entries here, the reportincludes all subscriptions irrespective of these factors. You specify the sales office responsible for the order in this field;if you do not make an entry, the report processes all subscriptionsirrespective of the sales office. This enables you to restrict the evaluation of subscriptions to onecarrier route; if you do not make an entry, the report processes allsubscriptions regardless of the carrier route. If you want to make a selection by a geographical unit (see below), youmust specify a geographical hierarchy variant that contains the desiredgeographical unit. (For further information on the geographicalhierarchy variant, please see the field documentation.) This field allows you to restrict evaluation of the subscriptions toone geographical unit in the System; if you do not make any entries,the report evaluates all subscriptions irrespective of the geographicalunit. Here, you can restrict the evaluation according to the country normallysupplied (in the case of trips abroad, this is the country in the'normal order item'); if you do not make any entries, the reportprocesses all subscriptions regardless of the country. The report evaluates subscriptions to the publications specified here;if you do not make any entries, subscriptions to all publications areevaluated. The report evaluates subscriptions to the editions specified here; ifyou do not make any entries, subscriptions to all editions areevaluated. Here, you can restrict the evaluation to subscriptions to editions thatbelong to certain report groupings; if you do not make any entries,processing is not restricted according to these criteria. Here, you can restrict the evaluation to subscriptions with certainservice types. Here, you can restrict the evaluation to subscriptions with certainsales sources. This enables you to restrict evaluation to subscriptions with certainsales promotions. Here, you can restrict evaluation to subscriptions with certain paymentmethods. Please note that you can only specify a payment method together with acountry since it is not otherwise possible to make a clear selection. These parameters allow you to control the way in which reversed orders(for which delivery may have been performed right up to reversal) areto be dealt with. If you select this parameter, the report includes backdatedsubscription orders from the validity date (or more precisely, evenbefore the regular start of delivery). If you select this parameter, subscription orders for which deliverywas not viable at the time of analysis are included in the statistics. For test purposes, you can restrict selection to individual orders. Ifyou select individual orders or only a small number of orders, thestatistics report can also be executed in dialog processing. Output control options By selecting the parameters Publication Edition Edition report group 1 Edition report group 2 you can have the report create lists in which the selectedsummarization level is used as a criterion for creating a page break.This means, for example, that the summarization level 'Publication'provides you with a list with the publication specified in the pageheader and expansion according to expansion criteria (see below),summarized by all editions of the publication. The same applies to theother possible summarization levels. You can select severalsummarization levels. This enables you to control the characteristics according to which thelist is expanded. You can choose to have the list expanded on one pageaccording to the columns Sales source Sales promotion Payment method. However, the list always begins with a column for the sales office. Here, you decide which edition is assigned a redirection if an editionother than the previous item is delivered for the redirection. If theredirection item is to be assigned to the 'edition normally delivered'from the previous item, you must select this parameter. If theredirection is to be assigned to the 'edition actually delivered to theredirection address', leave the parameter blank. Here, you control whether or not the report includes partialsubscriptions (e.g. Saturday subscribers) according to the partialsubscription weighting from the mix offers for the edition or whetherthe purchase quantities for partial subscriptions are to be counted infull. Precondition Output Characteristic/key columns The sales office from the order items. The sales source from the promotional data for the orders (according tothe original item) is listed according to the entry specified for theexpansion criteria. The sales promotion from the promotional data on the orders (accordingto the original item), listed according to the expansion criteriaspecified. Payment method and accompanying country key (from the company code forthe sales organization) according to the evaluated orders, listedaccording to the expansion criteria specified. Key figure columns Total The total of all standard items irrespective of whether the item wassuspended on the key date or substituted by a limited change such asredirection. Net The total quantity of standard items minus the suspended quantities,those for which there is a partial suspension or the quantities coveredby a subtractive change. The net total is calculated as follows: Total standard items minus - Suspensions - Partial suspensions - Redirections - Subtractive gift item - Subtractive trial item Total - trial items the same as standard items (see above) Net - trial items the same as standard items (see above) Total - free items the same as standard items (see above) Net - trial items the same as standard items (see above) Redirections, transfers and gift shipments are listed in these columns. Additive Total of all additional copy redirections valid at the time Subtractive Total of all redirections valid at the time, i.e. redirections thattemporarily stop delivery of the basic preceding item. Total of all quantities for which there is a suspension or a partialsuspension The overall total is the total of all quantities in the orders on handon the key date, i.e. the total of all net items as well as additionalcopy redirections and redirections (including transfers and giftitems). At the end, the report creates an error list, if errors were identifiedduring processing. Please note |