Description Procedure for data transfer:
Information on whether data transfer was successful is saved in tableTJY09. Data transfer was successful if all input records weretransferred or all errored records were saved in BDC sessions. Pleasenote that the error sessions must still be processed. If data transfer is unsuccessful, this can have the following causes: If data transfer was unsuccessful, you can restart the transfer programas often as required until the transfer has been completed successfully(for this reason, several BDC error sessions can be generated for theerrored records in a legacy data file. These sessions must all have thesame session name.) The following information on the status of data transfer is stored foreach legacy file in table TJY09: Data updated (Not creation of standard items; see transfer of live subscriptions) (Not creation of free items; see transfer of live subscriptions) (Not creation of trial items; see transfer of live subscriptions) (Creation, change and deletion of terminations is only transferred if the termination is not yet completed (similar to dialog function)) the activity type 'Create') (Change and deletion are not possible with this function) the activity type 'Create') In the case of changes to the item period, please note that onlychanges in which the old and new periods overlap can be transferred. Ifthis is not the case, the old status of the item must be deleted andthe new status then created (two records are required for this in thetransfer file: the old status of the item with the activity type 'L'and the new status with the activity type 'H'). Interface definition The segments for an item that belong to a change must be present insequence in the dataset, although segments of record types 03, 04 and05 are optional. For a description of the interface, please see the programdocumentation on the include Unlike the entry requirements for the fields specified in the abovedocumentation, only fields REFBELEG, SATZART, FUNKTION, AKTIVTYP andGUELTIGVON are required fields when transferring changes. The structure RJKIF_S_HEAD mentioned in this documentation (record type01) is not required (in fact not admissible) when transferring changes. For a description of the individual fields, please see the onlinedocumentation. Similarly to the functions in dialog processing, you need only makeentries in the fields that can also be entered in dialog for therelevant functions and activity types. Transfer of subscription changes transfers the fields from theinterface that have a value other than the The following values are allowed for the fields FUNKTION and AKTIVTYP: '01' : Standard item '02' : Free item '03' : Trial item '04' : Suspension '05' : Partial suspension '06' : Redirection '07' : Additional copy redirection '08' : Transfer '09' : Gift transfer '10' : Unlimited change '11' : Termination '13' : Conversion of trial item to standard item '14' : Conversion of free item to standard item 'H' : Create 'V' : Change 'L' : Delete Selection options Output You can double click on the record number to display the record indialog processing. Double click on the fields in the error message to access details onthe message. |