SAP Program RJJPRDH_UPDATE_VP - IS-M/AM: Product Hierarchy (S&P): Update Provisional Products

The RJJPRDH_UPDATE_VP program replaces provisional products in theorder and in the link table to which an external product (S&P) has beenassigned in the "provisional products" worklist.

Assignments have already been made in the"provisional products" worklist.


  • Test run

  • Selection of various validation checks that check whether the
  • provisional product exists in the link table and whether the advertiserhas already been assigned to the external product (S&P) assigned.
    • Restrict the records to be edited and the tables to be updated

    • Settings for the log

    • Settings for deleting the worklist
    • Output
      Display a log in which changes in the order and changes to the worklistand link table are listed. The content of the log varies according tothe range selected.
      Status lights have the following individual significance:

      • "Link table worklist": Deleted assignments are green. Entries that are
      • not found in this worklist are yellow.
        • "Provisional products" worklist: Consistent entries are green.
        • Inconsistent entries are red.
          • Link table: New entries are green. Changed entries are yellow. Records
          • that are not listed in the link table are red.
            • Orders: Changed entries are green. Provisional products that are not
            • found in any order are yellow. Orders that cannot be updatedsuccessfully are red.