SAP Program RJJPRDH_INTERFACE_UPL_FILES - IS-M/AM: Product Hierarchy (S&P): Import File

The RJJPRDH_INTERFACE_UPL_FILES program loads the product hierarchy,which S&P provides as files, and saves this as master data in thesystem.
We advise you to schedule the report as a job if large data volumes areinvolved.


  • The product hierarchy (S&P) must be activated in
  • Customizing.
    • The external agency roles (S&P) must be recoded in
    • Customizing if S&P agencies aretransferred.
      • External business areas (S&P) must be recoded in
      • Customizing if S&P agencies aretransferred.


        • You can decide whether files are to be loaded from the GUI (only
        • recommended for test purposes due to the data volume) or from the theapplication server. S&P file names must also be entered.
          • identify origin indicator under which the S&P product hierarchy is to
          • be stored.
            • Valid from date for imported products

            • Master data tables in which entries are to be made can be defined.

            • You can choose ("Place new products in worklist") whether the report is
            • place products for the selection of 'new products' in the 'provisionalproducts' worklist that do not yet exist in the master data. SeeDocumentation
              for the parameter.
              • Output quantity for the log

              • Other (technical) settings
              • Output
                A log is displayed in which imported data records or warnings/errorsonly are listed according to the selection made. The meaning of thestatus light can be found in theDocumentation for the logsettings.