SAP Program RJJPRDH_AUFBAU_AV_VKTAB - IS-M/AM: Product Hierarchy (S&P): Create WL for Link Table

The RJJPRDH_AUFBAU_AV_VKTAB program makes entries in the "Link table"worklist in which external products (S&P) are assigned to IS-M businesspartners. This program should be started once thedata transfer/> for the S&Pproduct hierarchy is complete.

The file transfer for the S&Pproduct hierarchy must be complete.


  • Initial run: Is only required if a proposal to assign an IS-M business
  • partner is to be attempted. This is however only possible if theexisting standard product hierarchy corresponds to the structure of theproduct hierarchy (S&P). See also theDocumentation on selection.
    • Source: Option of placing advertisers, agencies or both types of
    • business partner in the worklist.
      • Comparison with the assignment table

      • or link table to select therecords to be edited. The assignment table is used for the comparisonin the standard scenario.
        • Restrict records to be edited

        • Settings for the log

        • Test run/other technical settings
        • Output
          Log which defines the products in the worklist and incorrect dataaccording to the range selected. Red 'lights' define incorrect recordsthat contain assignments to an external business partner (S&P) but forwhich there are no products in the master data.