SAP Program RJJGPHIE - IS-M/AM: Business Partner Hierarchy

The business partner hierarchy (BPH) is the graphical presentation of
relationships between business partners (BP).
These relationships are presented as trees.
A relationship always consists of a higher level and a lower level
A BP can only have one higher level BP (parent) but can have several
lower level BPs (children). (tree structure)
A BP relationship always has a validity period (Valid-from -
valid-to), which appears to the right of the lower level BP. (time
slice). The lower level BP cannot be assigned below another BP during
this period.
However, a BP can be assigned above several BPs.
When starting the transaction JJH2 Edit BPH and
JJH3 Display BPH
you must enter a key date for which the BPH is to be considered.
Using time slices to view the BPH means that a BP can only appear once
on the display. (Only one lower level assignment)
Using this time slice logic means that the graphic may differ on each
key date, since the end or start of a relationship are presented
differently in the hierarchy tree.
The highest hierarchy level which is called 'HIERARCHY' always appears
in the display. This is a dummy value since the function module usedfor
this graphic display can only contain one function tree, and it is
therefore possible to avoid this restriction.
This dummny value does not appear in table JJTKS in which the BPH is
saved. It is only used for the display.
Functions for displaying the BP hierarchy JJH3 (also applies to JJH2)
After starting the transaction, you can enter a key date for which the
display is valid.
You can enter a BP or a selection of BPs in order to restrict the
display. All trees are displayed in which the BP selected appears.
If no entry is made, all BP relationships are displayed which are valid
on this date.
If you press the Execute key, all highest level BPs in the tree will
If you place the cursor on a BP and press "EXPAND", the entire treewill
be displayed.
If you place the cursor on 'HIERARCHY" and press "EXPAND", all trees
will be exploded.
By pressing the button in front of the BP number, you can explode the
hierarchy level by level.
The "COLLAPSE" button functions in the same way.
By pressing the button "CHNG.DAT/PERC/VALID" you can switch between
displaying the validity period, the percentage value of the
relationship and displaying Created by/changed by.
Functions for maintaining the BPH (JJH2)
The following central functions exist for maintaining the BPH:

  • 1. INSERT BP

  • 2. CHANGE BP

  • 3. DELETE BP


  • 1. INSERT BP
    A new BPH can be inserted by placing the cursor on "HIERARCHY" and
    pressing "INSERT BP", or by using the menu path: B.Partner Hierarchy
    B.Partner Hierarchy -> Create new hierarchy
    A dialog box menu appears where you can enter the following:
    -Higher and lower level BP (matchcode, check to see if one exists)
    -Date valid-from and valid-to) Valid-from cannot be earlier than the
    selection date, since you cannot make changes in the past, choose
    earlier selection date if necessary)
    -Relationship in percent
    The program checks whether the BP already exists as a lower level BP
    in the period specified or whether the higher level BP already existsas
    the highest hierarchy node.
    if all checks are OK and you press "ENTER", the new relationshipappears
    in the display.
    If the from-date is later than the selection date, the newrelationship
    will not appear on the current display.
    To view this relationship, you should enter a date that falls within
    the period specified.
    You can now create additional relationships in the new BPH, by placing
    the cursor on a BP and pressing "INSERT BP". The BP selected now
    appears in the higher level BP dialog box. You must specify the lower
    level BP.
    Changes are saved in the file JJTKS if you press the "SAVE" button.
    If you do not want to save the changes, you should exit the program
    without saving (Back, Exit, Cancel, /N.... etc)
    2. CHANGE BP
    A BP relationship can be changed by placing the cursor on the lower
    level BP and pressing "CHANGE BP".
    You can change the from-date (if it does not fall in the past (in
    relation to the selection date)), the to-date and the relationship inpercent.
    The checks made for existing relationships in the changed time slice
    are the same as those for 1. Insert BP
    3. Delete BP
    A BP relationship can be deleted by placing the cursor on the lower
    level business partner affected and pressing "Delete BP".
    This relationship and all relationships found below it in this path are
    PLEASE NOTE: A record is only deleted from the file if its from-date
    does not fall in the past (or its selection date).
    If this is not the case, the record is given a to-date of yesterday,
    i.e the relationship was valid until yesterday.
    If you call up the transaction after saving with the selection date as
    yesterday, the old status will appear. If you had entered today's date
    as a selection date, the relationship would not have been displayed.
    Two steps are necessary to reassign an individual BP or an entire path.
    A) You should first place the cursor on the BP to be reassigned
    and press "SELECT". The BP affected and all lower level BPs in this path
    will be highlighted in a different color.
    B) You should then place the cursor on the BP to which the BP is to be
    reassigned and press "REASSIGN BP".
    This will reassign the entire tree.
    The old relationship is deleted during reassigning (or updated with
    key date - 1 (see delete BP)) and the new relationship is inserted.
    5.) General notes
    A BP relationship which is embedded in a path cannot be deleted in one
    step, or a new relationship cannot be inserted between it.
    Example: Deleting a BP relationship
    1. Reassign tree below the record to be deleted
    2. Delete BP
    3. Insert reassigned tree
    1. Assign tree with relationship to be deleted below HIERARCHY
    2. Insert tree below the BP to be deleted
    (ROOT is deleted automatically)