SAP Program RJIUTI00 - IS-M/SD: Service Program for Changing Audit Report Type for Edition

It is not usually possible to change the audit report type for anedition once sales orders have been recorded. However, if you do want toinclude a 'productive' edition in circulation auditing after it has beenassigned sales orders (for example, because it is now being included incirculation auditing as a new product), this report can be used toachieve the following:

  • Make changes possible for the audit report type for the edition

  • Enter the auditing category of the audit report type in the existing
  • orders for sales orders, offers with a specified subsequent salesdocument type, complaints and returns.
    This updates delivery quantities in the appropriate statistics tables(daily circulation statistics or circulation book, according to theaudit report type) for the next shipping date due for update for theedition in question. All new returns are also updated correctlyafterwards.

    Selection options
    You must first specify the edition on the initial screen. You shouldalso specify the new audit report type for the edition.
    You can also use this program to correct incorrect category definitionsfor orders caused by errors in Customizing entries. If you havecorrected the Customizing entries in the meantime, you can start thisprogram and change the audit report type in the edition to 'self'. Donot select the checkbox 'Change correctly categ.orders'; this onlycorrects the orders that contain errors.
    You can also use the following parameters to control the program flow:

    • Change correctly categ.orders

    • If you select this parameter, the program also changes orders belongingto an auditing category that matches the new audit report type accordingto the Customizing settings. Otherwise, these orders remain unchanged.
      • Maximum number of problem orders accepted and

      • Maximum LUW size
        The first of these parameters determines the number of orders thatcannot be categorized or that are inconsistent at which the program isto be cancelled. The second parameter controls the technical size of anLUW (logical unit of work), i.e. how many orders are to be passed on tothe update program at once.
        The settings for these two parameters must be carefully balanced. Thisis explained in the following two examples:
        Example 1: You specify that the program is to be cancelled when morethan 100 problem orders are identified and that orders are to be updatedin data packages of 500. During the program run, the limit of 100problem orders is exceeded by the 610th order to be processed andprocessing is cancelled. However, the first 500 orders correctlyprocessed were transferred as a data package for update, so that theyare now categorized according to the NEW audit report type. Thisalthough the edition itself will now not be changed.
        Example 2: You specify that the program is to be cancelled when morethan 0 problem orders are encountered and that orders are to be updatedin data packages of 99 999 999. During processing, a problem isidentified with the xth (x < 99 999 999) order and the program iscancelled. No orders were updated yet: the program is cancelled but thedatabase remains unchanged.
        • Detailed log (per order)

        • If you select this parameter, a note is written in the log for eachorder stating how the order was recategorized. If a high data volume isexpected, you are advised against selecting this parameter.
          • Test run (no database changes)

          • Select this parameter if you do not want the program to make any changesto the database. In this case, it simply creates a log.

            Processing that should not be performed parallel to this program

            • Edition processing

            • Order processing (for any editions)
            • Please also note the following
              Circulation figures already updated in the statistics tables (IVW, WEMFor circulation book) cannot be corrected. Please make sure that youcarry out the change of audit report type in accordance with the date ofthe update of circulation data. For example, you updated circulationdata up to December 31st of one year. You now use this program to changethe audit report type for an edition. The circulation data is thenupdated using the new audit report type for the edition from January1st.

              The program displays a general log of the actions performed containinginformation on

              • Controlling selection criteria

              • Number of orders processed (affected, updated, correctable, unchanged,
              • processed with errors)
                • Start and end time of program run

                • The log also contains information on any problems and inconsistenciesidentified during processing.
                  The log is also stored on the database as a general application log.This means you can display it at any time (transaction SLG1). It isstored under the object name JICATYPE.