SAP Program RJIIVW10 - IS-M/SD: Close/Reopen Audit Period for Daily Statistics

This program closes or opens a selected audit period in the dailycirculation audit statistics.

What is the meaning of closing/opening an audit period?
Closing: The selected audit period is marked as 'reported' in the databasis; this can also be restricted to the selected publication/editionor the selected circulation audit number.
Opening: The selected audit period is reset to 'not reported'.
No further returned copies can be recorded in a period marked as'reported' (closed period).

Use of this program
The function of this program serves as an alternative to a live run ofthe circulation auditing programs. This means that as an alternative toperforming live runs in one of the circulation audit programs, thisprogram can also be used to close an audit period. After running thisprogram, you can use any circulation audit statistics program (orreport program without performing a live run) to create a circulationaudit report.

Selection options

  • Audit period = Audit period to be closed

  • Issue-related audit period

  • If you select this indicator, the audit period is interpreted as thepublication date of an issue. In this case, the audit period can onlylast for a day.
    The selected period must be a day, a month or - in the case of anissue-related audit period - a day.
    • Publication

    • Edition

    • Circulation audit number

    • Close audit period

    • Select this indicator if you want to close the specified audit period.
      • Reopen audit period

      • Select this indicator to reopen the audit period (for example, if itwas closed by mistake).
        • Test run

        • If you select this indicator, no changes will be made on the database.

          If possible, you should only close a circulation audit period justbefore making the audit report for that period. Once an audit returnhas been made, the period should not be reopened since returned copiesmight then be recorded rendering the audit report incorrect.

          The period to be closed must be in the past and must already have beenupdated using program RJIIVW00.

          The program outputs a log list containing data on the closed period.The list contains the following columns:

          • Publn. ,, Publication

          • Edition

          • PublDate ,, Publication date

          • ShipDate ,, Shipping or return date (for returned copies)

          • ClosedPrev,, If marked, was closed previously

          • ClosureNew,, If marked, will be closed in this run of program