SAP Program RJIABCRE - IS-M/SD: Delete and Recompile Returns Data in Circulation Book

This program enables you to delete and recompile return quantities inthe circulation book.
This is only necessary in special cases, since return quantities areusually updated in the circulation book directly from return entry.These cases include the following:

  • Quantities updated with errors (e.g. due to program errors or incorrect
  • Customizing settings)
    • Changed Customizing settings

    • Changed audit report type for edition
    • Circulation book
      The circulation book is a summarized statistics table used as a databasis for a variety of evaluations and audit report programs.

      Data updated
      This program generates entries for return quantities in the circulationbook (technical table name JITCIRCBOOK). The following returns areincluded in the update:

      • The issue returned must belong to the selected edition

      • The audit report type of the issue returned (or more precisely, its
      • edition) must not be blank, IVW or WEMF
        The program is designed primarily for editions with the audit reporttype ABC (USA) but can also be used for other audit report types thatare processed using the Circulation Book table (JITCIRCBOOK). (This isnot the case for the audit report types IVW and WEMF.)

        Selection options
        On the selection screen, you must specify a return period for which thecirculation book data is to be updated.
        The returns for update must also be limited by specifying a publicationand edition (this is a required field).
        The edition you specify in the selection criteria is that returned, notthat specified in the sales order on which the returns are based.

        Further technical control options
        You can influence the program functions using a variety of parameters:

        • Specify an activity to determine what the program is to do. The
        • following activities are possible:
          Delete return data in circulation book and recompile
          Recompile return data in circulation book (without deletion)
          Delete return data (no recompilation)
          • You can also specify that the sales documents are to be blocked. If you
          • do this, it is not possible to edit documents - neither sales orders norreturns can be edited. You do not need to set the block if you are ableto ensure in some other way that no documents for the edition inquestion are edited during recompilation.
            • If you select the 'Test run' checkbox, the program simply generates a
            • log and no changes are made to the database.


              The following data must be maintained:
              There must be returns for updating and these must have the correctcategories.

              The following types of processing must not take place at the same timeas recompilation of the circulation book:
              No functions that change sales documents and returns should be executedparallel to the circulation book update. These functions are as follows:

              • Return processing

              • Sales document creation

              • Update of circulation book from deliveries with overlapping issues
              • Output

                Log output
                Individual records generated or changed are not displayed in thecirculation book. Instead, a general log of the activities performed bythe update program is output containing information on:

                • Controlling selection criteria

                • Number of returns processed

                • Number of new, changed or deleted circulation book records

                • Start and end time of program run

                • The log also contains information about any problems and inconsistenciesidentified during the update.
                  The log is also stored physically on the database as a generalapplication log. This means you can display the log at any later time.Tools for this purpose are available in the circulation book.