An entry is created in the "Audit Report" table (table JITSTATMT) foreach selected edition for the period. This indicates that no furtherchanges can be made to the circulation book for the edition in theperiod in question, i.e. the period is locked for changes: The system requires that you specify an audit date for returns whosereturn date is in a period already audited (=closed) and that the returnbe assigned to this date. This audit date must not be in a periodalready audited. (Note: The return date should not be confused with thepublication date. The audit date normally derived from the return dateis the time-based assignment of returned quantities in an audit period.) Backdated order changes, for example leading to a changed audit reportcategory, are only entered in the circulation book in periods not yetaudited. The audit data is deleted. This removes the "change block" from thecirculation book. Note: You normally close a period at the same time as you perform anaudit report, since the circulation book data in the audited periodshould no longer be changed after this point. You can use one of thestandard evaluations or a customer-specific report to determine thecirculation figures themselves. Selection The audit period to be closed or opened These three factors define the editions for which the period is to beclosed or opened. Select this indicator if you want to close the specified audit period,i.e. if you want to create an audit report in the system for the period. Audit report date (info.) The date specified here is recorded in a new audit report. The fieldserves purely as information and does not have any effect on processingin the system at present. Select this indicator if you want to reopen the specified audit period(for example, because it was closed by mistake). No changes are made to the database if you select this indicator. Note: Precondition Output |