Description This program sets the new preceding document reference in items fromcontract settlements (JHTVAABP) in the IS-M/AM system. Items are only processed if their preceding document reference has notbeen set. The fields JHTVAABP-VGBEL, -VGPOS, -VGETE and -VGOBJ are changed. Precondition This report can be started or restarted at any time in both the BATCHand ONLINE enviroment. Prerequisite: No changes can be made to COA settlement items (JHTVAABP) during thisperiod (new creation or update). Output The following log entries are generated:
- Starting point and date of the program
- Start of processing for each client
- Number of items processed (cumulated for each client)
- Error message(if required) for documents which have not been processed
- Success message
- End point and date of the program run