SAP Program RJHXPRA4 - XPRA To Restructure Field JHAEA-E_BELEINH

Program for restructuring the field INHK_LEV1 in the table JJTIKOHY(from 3.03/1 status) to improve performance of content componenthierarchy handling.

This report can be started or restarted at any time in both the BATCHor ONLINE environment.
Prerequisite: No changes can be made to JJTIKOHY during this period.(New creation or update).

The number of changed JJTIKOHY records are listed in the log for eachclient. The start and end point is also displayed.
Individual notes are created in the JE MESSAGES.

  • 156 Change JJTIKOHY-INHK_LEV1 started & & (Report RJHXPRA1)

  • 157 Change JJTIKOHY: Client & started

  • 158 Change JJTIKOHY-INHK_LEV1 ended & & (Report RJHXPRA1)

  • 159 Change JJTIKOHY: JJTIKOHY-INHK_LEV1 field & changed

  • 160 Change JJTIKOHY: Errors occured in clients &