Description This program uses particular selection criteria to generate theinterface file for VSW companies on a daily basis. A sequential file iscreated which can then be transferred to an external system by FTP. Precondition This program can only be executed in the background and the selectionparameters should be maintained in a variant. Before this program is executed for the first time, you should maintainthe customizing tables for determining the output code and theassignment of particular conditions to the VSW fields for thepublication data such as rate amount, contract and frequency discountand the VSW fields for discount and surcharge. You find these tables inCustomizing: Customizing - SAP Media - Tools - Data Import/Export - VSWinterfaces. You will find information on how to maintain these tablesin the relevant steps in Customizing. When creating the sequential file, checks should be made to see if thelogical file name "ISMAM_VSW_CH" has been maintained in Customizing.The physical file name specified under this path must contain thefollowing combination: mmdd for month/day and hhmm for hours/minutes(e.g.:/tmp/vsw-mmdd-hhmm). When the program is run, these combinationswill be replaced with the creation month and date and the creation timein hours and minutes. This creation data is also stored in tableTJHVSW03 as key values. This creates a direct connection between thesequential field and the table entries for the VSW interfaces. You willfind these customizing entries under: Customizing - Basis Services -System Administration - Platform-independent file names. Selection parameters Payer:
- You must enter the relevant VSW payer.
Date on which services were performed:
- You can enter the period for publication dates here. However, you
cannot make any entry here if an entry has been made for the "Selectionperiod in days" parameter. Selection period in days:
- You can enter the period for publication dates in days here. However,
cannot make any entry here if an entry has been made for the "Date onwhich services were performed" parameter. Newspaper code
- You must enter the newspaper code for the publisher here.
List output only: