Title Address Selection Report RJHSADR1 Purpose Selection of addresses within an IS-M/AM direct mailing campaign thattakes account of contact person or business partner classifications. Integration Classification System>Prerequisites Classification (assignment) of a business partner or contact person toa class is performed during master data maintenance. If severalcontacts are to be assigned to a class, you can use reportRJHCLZAP>. Business partners can also be assignedto a class using report RJGCLZUO>.Selection Report RJHSADR1 allows you to select classified business partners orcontacts using the classification system and generate an address listwithin a direct mailing campaign. Selection is exclusive if it is onlymade using the classification system. If selection options for business partners or contacts are specified,these are used together with the outcome of the object search in theclassification system to generate the address list. During address selection in the direct mailing campaign, the reportfunctions as follows: Selection by business partner: The business partner does not have a contact person: