Description The program RJHNOT01 is used to transfer ad orders which were createdoff-line externally to the IS-M/AM system. These orders are describedusing the interface structures available for transferring legacy data.Batch input sessions for IS-M/AM fast entry are generated for theorders to be transferred. Precondition When you start the program, enter the PC PATH in which the orders to betransferred have been stored. The following record types can be used to create sessions: 01,,Header record 02,,Item record 03,,Booking unit assignment record 04,,Date assignment record 06,,Advertiser assignment record 07,,Ad spec record 10,,Sales agent for item 13,,Text records for item Record types 01, 02, 03, 06 and 07 must DEFINATELY be transferred inASCENDING order for creation. A new order is created for each newheader record (record type =01). If one of the required record types ismissing, this will be noted in the error log with the reference ordernumbers. Fields A detailed description of the record types is found in the following structure documentation: RJHANZKOPF >for header records RJHANZPOS >for item records RJHANZBPZ >for booking unit records RJHANZTRZ >for date assignment records RJHANZISZ >for advertiser assignment records RJHANZMOT >for ad spec records RJHADUPVZ >for sales agents for an item RJHADUTXT >for texts |