If BU hierarchy work areas have been generated for these item types,this speeds up order processing considerably. This applies particularlyif you are working with large-scale booking unit hierarchies for AI ordistribution booking units. The use of BU hierarchy work areas replacesthe time consuming creation of BU hierarchies for the AI anddistribution item types. This report generates sales area-specific and sales area-independent BUhierarchy work areas. Sales area-specific BU hierarchy work areas are distinguished fromsales area-independent ones if you have defined BU restrictions for thesales areas. The system initially searches for a sales area-specific BU work area.If this does not exist, it searches for a sales area-independent workarea. If this work area exists, the system does not display all rootsub-trees with root BUs that are not assigned to the current salesarea. Use Change restriction to sales areas Change sales hierarchy for combined booking units All time-dependent master data (planned circulation quantities,capacities) for booking units is not interpreted until order creation.This means that changes to this master data do not require BU hierarchywork areas to be generated. Precondition Execution settings Changes are not saved. Selected: Display the hierarchy as a tree. Not selected: For batch processing. Display the hierarchy as a list. The system displays the log if you have selected "With dialog". Selection criteria for display If you have specified a sales area, the system sets the filter for thissales area in order to display a sales area-independent work area. Display is restricted to the root sub-trees that the selected bookingunits contain. All time-dependent statistics (planned circulation quantities,production units) are checked for this date. The system only displays booking units for which production units existon this checking date for the AI BU hierarchy. If no date is specified, the system displays all BUS in the work area.The production unit check is not performed. Capacity of AI basic BUs is dependent on the processing category(type). Planned circulation quantities for distribution BUs can be defined foreach distribution quantity type and period. Annotation Glossary Combined or basic BU to which no booking unit with this use is assignedat a higher level. Section of a BU hierarchy found below the root BU All BUs from a root BU to a basic BU assigned below the root BU. |