SAP Program RJHFECH4 - Rev.Distribution: Analyze G/L Transfer Postings for Docs Involved

This program has not been released for customers.
This is an internal check report used to control G/L account transferpostings during revenue distribution. (The posting journal RJHFBUJO isavailable internally for general posting information from the billingdocument.)
This report compares G/L account postings from the documents for whichrevenue distribution has been performed (preceding documents) with G/Laccount postings that were generated during revenue distribution. Thesystem performs this analysis for the associated revenue distributionitems for each item in the preceding document.
Posting data is generated by running the section of the program insimulation mode (with all user exits) that is otherwise used in IS-M/AMto prepare posting data from the billing document for the FI interface.
You can control whether the system starts selection from the revenuedistribution documents or from the documents for which revenuedistribution has been performed and thus determine the target quantityto be analyzed. Please note that if preceding documents are used as thestarting point for analysis, it is necessary to restrict theseappropriately using the billing category.
If you use revenue distribution documents as the starting point, theselection restrictions apply to the starting point, i.e for the revenuedistribution documents. Selection restrictions for the referenceddocuments here refer to the preceding documents. If you use precedingdocuments as the starting point, the reverse applies.
You can define separate filters for revenue distribution documents andpreceding documents so that condition types and G/L accounts can beincluded or excluded from the analysis.

Open item postings and tax postings are not taken into account. The G/Laccount that is determined from the billing type is also excluded fromthe analysis.
The system only selects preceding billing document items where theindicator that revenue distribution has been performed is set(JHTFP-XERLV = 'X').
The system only analyzes documents that are active and not statisticaland whose condition value is greater than zero.

The system displays a log and a posting journal.
You can determine whether the posting journal is only to be generatedfor postings where there are differences between the G/L accountpostings in the preceding billing documents and those generated in therevenue distribution billing documents affected.
You can increase the level of detail of the posting journal bydisplaying the document number of the document for which revenuedistribution has been performed or the posting period. Posting issuppressed to company code, currency and G/L account level in thestandard system.
Documents displayed are balanced and must be interpreting using FIlogic:

  • Amounts greater than zero represent postings on the credit side (credit
  • balance)
    • Amounts less than zero represent postings on the debit side (debit
    • balance)

      If the result of the list for company code 0001, currency $ and G/Laccount 800000 shows an amount of $500, this means that within allpostings for account 800000 that were taken into account, an amount of500 $ more was posted on the debit side than could be offset on thecredit side.
      The cause of this difference requires further investigation(Customizing, condition maintenance, program errors etc).