SAP Program RJHCOAMGSEL - Select Contracts for Combination

Selection Report for Combining Contracts

This report is used to select candidates for combination with acontract that is currently being edited.

This report is accessed from contract editing if you choose the"Combine contracts" function.
The report uses the logical database HV0J.

This report is not suitable for direct access (via System -> Services-> Reporting) since:
A number of fields are to be filled by the calling program and are nottherefore available for input.
The report cannot display the selection outcomes but can only enterthem in the memory.
During access, a series of parameters from the contract that iscurrently being edited are transferred to the report. These are thenused as selection criteria for the contracts in question. This meansthat contracts that can be combined must match the target contract withregard to sales area, contract holder, group and barter dealindicators. They must also have a suitable validity period. Theseselection criteria from the target contract can be displayed but cannotbe modified.
Additional restrictions that are not dependent on the target contractare attributes such as deletion flags, system contract, settlementindicators. System contracts and those that are flagged for deletion orfor which final settlement has been performed cannot be considered forcombination. The system does not display these constant selectioncriteria.
You can further restrict the selection of contracts for combinationusing selection criteria with no entry restrictions or free selections.