Description This report performs the following functions: Classifies existing contacts if new classes are introduced. Changes that are made to contacts are updated in the classification atregular intervals (e.g. weekly). Remove contact persons from a class The report creates a file with which classification can then beperformed using direct or batch input. Once the report has generated the file, it is displayed on the screen.List display can be problematic if you have selected too many objects.If this is the case, we recommend you perform the selection in severalgroups. If additional characteristics that are not objectcharacteristics but are to be entered automatically are used toclassify existing contacts, you should copy the report and make theextra program settings required in those locations that are used bystructure BIAUSP. This report can also be used to classify new contactsin the background. In this case, the report should be scheduled as abatch job with a variant that specifies a daily interval. Precondition Adjust the Customizing for the Classification System > to meet the requirements of the publisher. Create classes>, Define characteristics > and Assign classes> (optional)Output Online or batch The report displays the data records for the contacts to be classified.Display is controlled using standard report RCCLBISC>.If you choose direct or batch input, the system also displays reportRCCLBI03> or RCCLBI02>.Selection options Classify contacts: The system places all contacts that fulfill theselection criteria from the contact person selection in the classspecified. Remove contacts from a class: This allows you to remove contacts fromthe class specified. Contact person selection: The system selects all contacts who meet theselection requirements. The date range can be used to define a periodof time. The system then selects all contacts who have been created orchanged in the period specified. This allows you to execute this reportat regular intervals if you do not want to classify contacts using themaintenance transactions for these business partners. Not direct or batch: The system creates a file on the applicationserver. This file can then be imported into the system via Customizing using the direct input> or batch input>functions. Perform direct input: Once the file has been created, the systemaccesses the Customizing function for importing usingdirect input> automatically. Create batch input session: Once the file has been created, the systemaccesses the Customizing function for importing usingbatch input>. |