SAP Program RJHBEDP5 - IS-M: Online Planning

Online Planning

You can use this function to check the following for a particularperiod:

  • Which spaces on a website can be sold?

  • Which spaces on a website are booked or available?

  • How many planned gross impressions have been assigned to spaces on a
  • website and can be sold?

    The following selection criteria are available to you:

    • Fixed space

    • Select the fixed spaces that are to bedisplayed for planning. Fixed spaces can be selected using thefollowing criteria (the system does not take account of the contentcomponent and positioning instruction criteria for fixed spacegroupings):
      Booking units (also fixed space groupings
      and combined booking units)
      Content components
      Positioning instructions
      • Period

      • You define the period that the system displays during planning. Thegrid
        parameter allows weeks or months to be views in a compressed formwithin the selection period.
        Planning from
        Planning to
        Period grid
        • Target group planning

        • If a target group is specified, the system displays the period grid foreach target group that is assigned to the target group type. Inconjunction with the target groups distribution rule, this means thatplanning is also possible at target group level.
          Target group type
          Target group distribution rule
          Display target group short text

          • Maintenance of actual gross impressions

          • Actual gross impressions maintained
            • Planned gross impressions

            • Period to which planned grossimpressions for a fixed space are converted
              Unit of measurement
              • Sales area

              • The system only displays fixed spaces and orders that are assigned tothe sales area specified.
                • Lists layout

                • Basic list
                  Booking for the order
                  Booking for the order/target group
                  Booking for the fixed space
                  Booking for the fixed space/target group

                  See also
                  Release notes for 4.62:

                  • Online Item Type: Master Data Maintenance

                  • Online Item Type: Order Processing

                  • Online Item Type: Order Migration

                  • Online Item Type: Planning