Title Purpose Selection
You can also determine whether the system displays certain additionalinformation in the list such as price data, business partner name. You can use the layout and print options to control how the list isdisplayed. Business partners and business partner roles Output Change the industry sector, campaign or product hierarchy in the listthat has been entered for a document item. Access the item detail screen from the list and change the document itemdata. Note: You can only change a document item in the business partner list if thesales document for which the document item has been entered has not beenblocked by another user. If you cannot change a document item you shouldidentify which user is blocking the sales document in the blocking logfor the business partner list. The editing functions can be deactivated for specific users using thefunction code exclusion in Customizing. The Customizing function is found under: SAP Media-> General Settings -> Define Function Code Exclusion forUsers (IS-M/AM) Example: You want to deactivate the function for reassigning customer campaignsfor user group XYZ. To do so, you must include an entry with the following values inCustomizing: RJHALI02,,,1000,,,JHA8,,,*,,,XYZ,,,UPDA. |