SAP Program RJHALI01 - IS-M/AM: Ad Items List / Schedule Lines

List of Ad Items and Schedule Lines

This report creates a list overview that contains technical data for the'ad' item type in an Advertising Management sales document.
The associated schedule line data can also be read for the ad item thathas already been selected.
Conversion of ad sizes:
If the 'Convert ad size to" field in the schedule line data section ofthe selection screen is used, you can convert selected ad sizes to theunit of measure selected to standardize them.
The following editing functions are available to you via this orderlist:
Item overview:
- Change item
Schedule line overview:
- Reassign special publication
- Delete special publication
- Delete special publication
- Change schedule line date
- Reassign basic booking unit
- Barred entries log
The editing functions can be deactivated for specific users using thefunction code exclusion in Customizing.
The Customizing functions are accessed under:
SAP Media -> General Settings -> Define Function Code Exclusion forUsers (M/AM).
You want to deactivate the function for deleting special publicationsfor user group XYZ.
To do so, you must include an entry in Customizing with the followingvalues:

Selection criteria from the header, item, ad spec and schedule lineorder levels can be used to restrict the size of the list. Statuscharacteristics for these order levels can also be used duringselection.
Various layout and print options for the display list can be chosenusing selection options on the initial screen.

The report creates an overview of selected ad items. If the 'Also readschedule lines' selection option is used, you can use the 'ScheduleLines' button to access a separate overview of schedule lines thatbelong to the ad items from the item overview.