SAP Program RJHAGVX_MAINTAIN - IS-M/AM: Maintain Sales Agent Settlement Index

This program allows you to analyze the sales agent settlement index andcorrect this if necessary. A correction to the settlement index is onlynecessary if an error has occured (such as termination of a collectiveprocessing run).

You can determine the number of sales agent assignments to be processedusing the order, item,billing dataset, sales agentcontract, requirement number,commission category and sales agentselection criteria.

This program reorganizes the settlement index by analyzing thesettlement history for all sales agent assignments in the selection.You can specify whether you want to update the indices that have beenchanged in the Control program execution section (Updatechanges indicator).
You can also define the data that you want to appear in the list. Youcan choose whether the program

  • Displays sales agent assignments

  • Displays preceding documents for the sales agent settlement items

    • Displays the associated sales agent settlement items according to
    • the settlement history.
      You can choose between the following for the indices display:
      • Display all indices

      • Only display alternate indices

      • Do not display indices.

      • You can also control whether the program displays the Header onevery page or only on the first page (space saving).
        Please note that each sales agent assignment can be assigned to severalpreceding documents and each preceding document can be assigned toseveral settlement items. Since the system displays each of theseobjects in a separate line, this may produce a very large listdepending on the selection quantity. In the first instance therefore,you are advised to analyze whether indices vary (for example withregard to the settlement status) by only displaying the indices thatvary. If the program returns these types of indices, a second programrun with a smaller selection can analyze the settlement history toprovide information about why the index is to be adjusted.
        Further notes
        The Max.number (FOR ALL ENTRIES) parameter is only used inexceptional circumstances, namely for processing a SELECT FOR ALLENTRIES if you have problems with your database. You should thenpropose a smaller value if necessary (if you enter 1, the systemperforms individual accesses).

717444M/AM: Sales agent assignment has status "Settled" by mistake