SAP Program RJHADU03_GENERDATA - IS-M/AM: Order Migration - Generate Test Data for Legacy Orders

Short text

The program RJHADU03_GENERDATA gives you the option of creating aninterface file to test order transfer for 'legacy orders'.
This test file is extracted from orders that have already been createdin IS-M/AM.
Generating test data has the following advantages:
Simple display and test of order transfer without having to create anexternal interface file.
Information about the structure and content of the interface file usingthe report RJHADU_SHOWDATA.

IS-M/AM orders to be extracted should be created in as complete a formas possible so that the relevant interface data can be created for datatransfer.
The following restrictions apply to legacy orders:

  • The order can only contain one item

  • The item can only contain one billing dataset
  • Output
    The log generated describes the interface file for each record. Eachrecord can be displayed at field level using the F2 details function.