Description Program RJHADU03 is used to transfer 'legacy' orders from an externalsystem to the IS-M/AM System. The following item types can be transferred using this program:
- Ad
- Ad insert
- Commercial
- Distribution
- Online
Orders are NOT transferred using batch input, but rather using afunction module that checks the orders and then creates them inIS-M/AM. This method is more favourable in terms of performance thanthe batch input method. A database commit occurs after n documents. Thenumber n can be specified on the selection screen. Interfaces> The structure of the interface records is different for each item type.This means that it is necessary to create a separate sequential filefor data transfer for each item type.(Information about file creation)> Errored records> Errored orders will not be updated but will be entered in the errorlog. Test run> The program can be started in test mode. In this mode, an error logwill be generated but no database updates will be run. To identifyerrors such as incomplete Customizing settings early, you can process acertain number of documents intended for processing in the test mode.This allows you to test the transfer process for a limited number oforders. Restart procedure> The program can be restarted. If data transfer is terminated (e.g. dueto a tablespace overflow or a system shutdown), it can be restarted.The program will skip the records that have already been updated andwill continue where it left off. In this instance, the 'Restart' buttonshould be activated when the program is executed.Precondition When you start the program, enter the name of the file in which thedata to be transferred is to be stored. The restart procedure meansthat the length of the file name is limited to 22 characters. Youmaintain the path and the name of the input file using the transactionsSF01 to SF06. Records in the input file have different structures. A record isidentified using the field 'SATZART'. The following record types are possible for transferring legacy orders: Record type,,Meaning,, Structure 01,,Header record,, RJHANZKOPF 02,,Item record,, RJHANZPOS(ad) ,,,, RJHASIPOS (ad insert) ,,,, RJHWSPPOS (commercial) ,,,, RJHAVTPOS (distribution) 03,,BU assignment record,, RJHANZBPZ(ad and ad insert) ,,,, RJHASIBPZ(ad insert) 14,,Billing dataset record,,RJHADUGA 11,,Sales agent billing dataset, RJHADUGVZ 12,,Condition record,, RJHADUKONV 15,,Contract assignment record,, RJHADUABZU 18,,BU/content component assignment record,,,,RJHONLIKZ (online itemsonly) You usually transfer 1 item, 1 billing dataset and 1 booking unitassignment record for each header record. You can transfer several sales agents/ condition records and contractassignments for a billing dataset. Exception:> You should only create legacy orders with separate agency commission.In this instance,2 billing datasets> are required. TheAE> andXAEPROV> fields are particularlyimportant for these datasets. Record types 01, 02, 03, 14, 12 MUST be transferred for each order inTHIS sequence for creation. Record type 18 must also be transferred foronline items. Exception:> Record type 03 is not required for commercial and distribution orders.In this instance the booking unit is transferred in the item record. Record type 03 is not required for online orders either. Booking unitsare transferred here using record type 18 (booking unit/contentcomponent assignment). A new order is created for each new header record (record type = 01).If one of the required record types is missing, this will be noted inthe error log with the reference order number. Example of the record type sequence for an order: 01,,Header record 02,,Item record 03,,Booking unit assignment record ,,(not for commercial and distribution) 14,,Billing dataset record 11,,Sales agent assignment record 11,,Sales agent assignment record 12,,Condition record 12,,Condition record 12,,Condition record 12,,Condition record 12,,Condition record 15,,Contract assignment record 01,,Header record :,, : :,, : ...etc. Buffer number range objects> For reasons of performance, you should buffer the number range objectsaffected, e.g. the number range for KONV, during productive datatransfer or for the mass testing of data transfer. If you aretransferring orders with internal number assignment, you should alsobuffer the number range object for the order number.Fields A detailed description of the record types is available in thefollowing structure documentation: RJHANZKOPF>,,for the header record RJHANZPOS>,,for the ad item record RJHASIPOS>,,for the ad insert item record RJHWSPPOS>,,for the commercial item record RJHAVTPOS>,,for the distribution item record RJHONLPOS>,,for the online item record RJHANZBPZ>,,for the AD booking unit record RJHASIBPZ>,,for the AI booking unit record RJHONLIKZ>,,for the OL booking unit/cont.comp.record RJHADUGA>,,for the billing dataset record RJHADUGVZ>,,for the sales agent assignment RJHADUKONV>,,for condition records RJHADUABZU>,,for the contract assignment You can use the data dictionary function Generatetable description> to generate a description of the structure forvarious programming languages.