SAP Program RJHADU02 - IS-M/AM: Data Transfer of Contracts from Previous System

This program is used to transfer contracts from an external system tothe IS-M/AM System.
Contracts are not transferred using batch input, but ratherusing a function module that checks the contractss and then createsthem in the IS-M/AM System. This method is more favourable in terms ofperformance than the batch input method. A database commit occurs ineach case after n documents. The number n can be specified on theselection screen.
Warning: If you want to copy sales agent assignments, a database commitshould be performed for each document.
This program should be used to transfer contracts with items and theirbusiness partner assignments (agencies, sales agents andbeneficiaries).
Interface records should be prepared for data transfer in a sequentialfile. (Information about file creation).
Errored records
Errored contracts will not be updated, but will be stored in a batchinput session (error session). This session can be used to performpostprocessing of contracts that cannot be updated. It can be run in anopen form which enables errored data to be processed in online mode.The respective error message will be displayed in the log for eacherrored record.
Test run
The program can be started in test mode. In this mode, an error logwill be generated but no database updates will be run and no errorsession will be generated. To identify errors early, e.g. incompleteCustomizing settings, you can enter a number of documents to beprocessed in the test mode. This allows you to test the transferprocess for a limited number of contracts without having to create aspecial file.
Restart procedure
The program can be restarted. If data transfer is terminated (e.g. dueto a tablespace overflow or a system shutdown), it can be restarted.The program will skip the records that have already been updated andwill continue where it left off. In this instance, the 'Restart' buttonshould be activated when the program is executed.
Buffer number range objects
When contracts are transferred, an internal number must be assigned foreach contract. You must buffer the number range object ISP_ABNR.

When you start the program, please enter the name of the file in whichthe data to be transferred is to be stored. The restart procedure meansthat the length of the file name is limited to 22 characters. Youmaintain the path and the name of the input file using the transactionsSF01 to SF06. (Customizing/Basic/File names/...)
The records in the input file have different structures. A record isidentified using the 'SATZART' field.
The following record types are possible for ad transfer:
01,,Header record
02,,Item record
03,,Agency assignment record
04,,Sales agent assignment record
05,,Beneficiary assignment record
Record types 01 and 02 must be transferred for each contract inASCENDING order for creation. A new contract is created for each newheader record (record type =01). If one of the required record types ismissing, this will be noted in the error log with the referencecontract number.
Example of record type sequence for a contract:
01,,Header record
02,,Item record
02,,Item record
03,,Agency assignment record
03,,Agency assignment record
01,,Header record
:,, :
:,, : ...etc.

You will find a detailed description of the record types in thefollowing structure documentation:
RJHADUVKO for the header record
RJHADUVPO for the item record
RJHADUVAG for the agency assignment record
RJHADUVVM for the sales agent assignment record
RJHADUVBG for the beneficiary assignment record
You can use the data dictionary function Generatetable description to generate a description of the structure forvarious programming languages.

177372M/AM: JE062 cannot be run in RJHADU02/BTCI session