Description This program is used to transfer ad, ad insert and online orders froman external system to the IS-M/AM System. (New orders) New items can be added to orders that have already been transferredduring this process. This is only possible if a new item number is usedto do so in the interface records. If the order item transferred in the interface already exists (wastransferred), the system ignores this and does not create a new item. Orders are NOT transferred using batch input, but rather using afunction module that checks the orders and then creates them in theIS-M/AM System. This method is more favourable in terms of performancethan the batch input method. A database commit occurs in each caseafter n documents. The number n can be specified on the selectionscreen. Interfaces> This program is used to transfer ad, ad insert and online orders. Thestructure of the interface records is different for each item type.This means that it is necessary to create a separate sequential filefor data transfer for each item type.(Information about file creation)> Errored records> The system does not update errored orders but places these in a batchinput session (error session) instead. This session is only created forthe 'ad' and 'online' item types. This session can be used topostprocess orders that cannot be updated. It can be run in an openform which enables errored data to be processed in dialog mode. Thesystem displays the respective error message in the log for eacherrored record. Note: Address selection is not possible for orders that were createdusing the error session. The system always uses the central address forthe business partner involved within the program. Batch input session> If direct input is not to be used to transfer ad items, data transfercan be controlled directly in the batch input session by activating theTransfer by batch input only> selectionparameter.
- Batch input transfer must be activated if CPD orders> are to be
transferred. Direct input does not support CPD transfer. More detailed information about CPD transfer can be found in theinterface structures RJHANZKOPF> andRJHANZISZ>. Test run> The program can be started in test mode for directinput. The system generates an error log in this mode but does not runany database updates or generate any error sessions. To identifyerrors early, such as incomplete Customizing settings, you can processa certain number of documents intended for processing in the test mode.This allows you to test the transfer process for a limited number oforders. Restart procedure> The program can be restarted. If data transfer is terminated (due to atablespace overflow or a system shutdown), it can be restarted. Theprogram will skip the records that have already been updated andcontinue where it left off. In this instance, the 'Restart' buttonshould be activated when the program is executed. Migration support tools> The Generate table description> ABAP Dictionaryfunction can be used to generate a description of the structure forvarious programming languages.
- You will find the migration support tools that describe the process and
the test in the IS-M/AM Sales menu under: Environment -> Order datatransfer -> Tools.Precondition All master data required for IS-M/AM order transfer such as businesspartner, booking units, ad inserts must have been created previously. The same applies to elements that can be assigned additionally such ascontracts, sales agent contracts etc. When you start the program, you should enter the name of the file inwhich the data to be transferred is to be stored. The restart proceduremeans that the length of the file name is limited to 22 characters. Youmaintain the path and the name of the input file using the transactionsSF01 to SF06. The records in the input file have different structures. A record isidentified using the 'SATZART' field. Buffer number range objects> For reasons of performance, you should buffer the number range objectsaffected, such as the number range for KONV, during productive datatransfer or for the mass testing of data transfer. If you aretransferring orders with internal number assignment, you should alsobuffer the number range object for the orders.Ad orders The following record types are possible for ad transfer: RecType,,Meaning 01,,Header record 02,,Item record 03,,Booking unit assignment record 04,,Date assignment record 06,,Advertiser assignment record 07,,Ad spec record 08,,Business partner assignment record 10,,Sales agents for the item 13,,Text records for the item 16,,Documents for the ad spec Record types 01, 02, 03, 06 and 07 MUST be transferred for each orderin ASCENDING order for creation. The system creates a new order foreach header record (record type =01). If one of the required recordtypes is missing, this will be noted in the error log with thereference order number. Example : Interface records request for an ad order ||AVM_NR | FRD_AVM_NR | POS_NR | SATZ_ART | SART_REIFO |||Rec ||---------------------------------------------------------------||----- || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 000 | 01 | 01 | ... ||hdr || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 010 | 02 | 01 | ... ||itm || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 010 | 03 | 01 | ... ||Bpz || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 010 | 03 | 02 | ... ||Bpz || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 010 | 03 | 03 | ... ||Bpz || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 010 | 06 | 01 | ... ||Isz || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 010 | 07 | 01 | ... ||Mot || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 010 | 08 | 01 | ... ||GPZ || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 010 | 08 | 02 | ... ||GPZ || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 010 | 08 | 03 | ... ||GPZ || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 010 | 08 | 04 | ... ||GPZ || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 010 | 13 | 01 | ... ||TXT || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 010 | 16 | 01 | ... ||DRV || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 020 | 02 | 01 | ... ||Pos || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 020 | 03 | 01 | ... ||Bpz || 4711 | EXT123-45 | 020 | 03 | 02 | ... ||Bpz ... etc. The system starts a new order with a header record. Fields You will find a detailed description of the record types in the following structure documentation: RJHANZKOPF>for the header record RJHANZPOS>for the item record RJHANZBPZ>for the booking unit record RJHANZTRZ>for the date assignment record RJHANZISZ>for the advertiser assignment record RJHANZMOT>for the ad spec record RJHANZGPZ>for the BP assignment record RJHADUPVZ>for sales agents for an item RJHADUTXT>for texts RJHANZDRV>for documents for the ad specAd insert orders Record types for transferring ad insert orders RecType,,Meaning 01,,Header record 02,,Item record 03,,Booking unit assignment record 06,,Advertiser assignment record 08,,Business partner assignment record 10,,Sales agents for the item 13,,Text records for the item 17,,Sub-item record Record types 01, 02, 03, and 06 MUST be transferred for each order inASCENDING order for creation. The system creates a new order for eachheader record (record type =01). Only one booking unit can be assigned for each item. The date and the ad insert number must be unique in the transferstructure for the item. A unique ad insert number means that the adinserts must be created first in dialog processing or using batchinput, so that the number can also be transferred in the order transfertables. If one of the required record types is missing, this will be noted inthe error log with the reference order number. Fields You will find a detailed description of the record types in thefollowing structure documentation: RJHANZKOPF>for the header record RJHASIPOS>for the AI item record RJHASIUPOS>for AI sub-items RJHASIBPZ>for the booking unit record RJHANZISZ>for the advertiser assignment record RJHANZGPZ>for the BP assignment record RJHADUPVZ>for sales agents for an item RJHADUTXT>for textsOnline orders Record types for transferring online orders RecType,,Meaning 01,,Header record 02,,Item record 06,,Advertiser assignment record 07,,Ad spec record 08,,Business partner assignment record 10,,Sales agents for the item 13,,Text records for the item 16,,Ad spec master assignment record 18,,Item BU/CC assignment record 19,,Target group assignment record Record types 01, 02, 06, 07, and 18 MUST be transferred for each orderin ASCENDING order for creation. The system creates a new order foreach header record (record type =01). If one of the required recordtypes is missing, this will be noted in the error log with thereference order number. Fields You will find a detailed description of the record types in thefollowing structure documentation: RJHANZKOPF>for the header record RJHONLPOS>for the item record RJHANZISZ>for the advertiser assignment record RJHONLMOT>for the ad spec record RJHANZGPZ>for the BP assignment record RJHADUPVZ>for sales agents for the item RJHADUTXT>for texts RJHANZDRV>for the ad spec master assignment record RJHONLIKZ>for the item BU/CC assignment record RJHONLTGZ>for the target group assignment record The Generate table description> ABAP Dictionaryfunction can be used to generate a description of the structure forvarious programming languages.