SAP Program RJGCHECKADR - IS-M: Evaluations of Address Data for a Business Partner

This report has not been released.
Analysis of business partner's address history
This report can be used to identify inconsistencies in a businesspartner's address data.

Information on the business partner (JGTGPNR), on the history of theaddresses (JGTADRA) and on the addresses themselves (JGTSADR). Doubleclick on the individual structures to display them using the generalList Tool, allowing you to select individual fields directly.
If the business partner referenced in an address differs from the oneselected, this is highlighted in red (inconsistency). You can doubleclick on the entry to execute an analysis of the selected businesspartner.
If a time slice does not follow on directly from the preceding timeslice, the from-date is highlighted in red. If the last time slice ofan address does not end on 12/31/9999, the to-date is highlighted inred (for logical address number 0000) or in yellow (all other logicaladdress numbers).
The traffic light symbol indicates whether the history within a logicaladdress chain is OK.