SAP Program RJGBUP02 - Conversion Report: IS-M Business Partner (Only Retailers) to SAP BP

Migration of IS-M Business Partner (Retailers) to SAP Business Partner

This report migrates all selected IS-M business partners (if they onlyexist as retailers in the system) to the SAP business partner. Theprogram can be executed several times and allows parallel processing.The program checks that the conversion Customizing settings arecomplete and further processing is only possible if no settings arefound to be missing by this check.


  • The SAP business partner must not be active.

  • All the conversion Customizing settings must be maintained.
  • Selection

    • Change mode

    • Test run:
      No changes are made to the database
      Update run:
      Changes are made to the database provided no errors occurred during thetest run
      Check on conversion Customizing only:
      The report only checks the conversion Customizing settings: no data isselected
      • Migration mode

      • Conversion only:
        The report only converts business partners that have not yet beenmigrated
        Conversion and correction:
        See 'Conversion only'; here the report also attempts to correctbusiness partners that have already been migrated
        Correction only:
        The report only attempts to correct business partners that have alreadybeen migrated
        • Business partner selection

        • Detailed log: if you select this option, the report displays all the
        • steps in the log

          The report displays a log. You can use report RJGBUP02_LOG to selectand display this log for each user and creation date.