SAP Program RJGBD__1 - IS-M: Transfer Bank Data for Germany

This program is used to transfer the bank directory file for Germanyinto the SAP System. The bank codes are updated in:

  • the business partner master data including bank where-used list and
  • collection authorization data (tables KNBK, LFBK, JGTBKVW, JGTBKEZ)
    • M/SD orders (tables JKPA, JFDFS)

    • M/AM orders (tables JHAISZ, JHTFX)
    • Precondition
      Before you execute this program, you should have imported the bankdirectory into the system bank master data (table BNKA) using reportRFBVD__2.
      Please ensure that existing billing documents have been transferred. Nochanges are made to existing billing documents and bank returnsresearch.
      Bank data in Human Resources (carriers may have been created there) isnot adjusted and synchronization with an external system also does nottake place.
      The program is based on the record structure in the bank number fileprovided by the German Bundesbank (record length 187 bytes, described inthe documentation on report RFBVD__2).
      This file, which is provided by the banks (on tape or disk), must beavailable in ASCII format as EBCDIC format is not supported.
      You can also import a file in ASCII format that contains all the data inunpacked form. However, the file in unpacked form has a record structurethat differs by one byte from that provided by the Deutsche Bundesbank(extension of field "Correction date").
      If disks with this structure are used, you must select the indicator"File with unpacked data" when you start the program.
      In order to import the bank number file into the System, you can placethe file in the file system for the application server or import itdirectly from the presentation server. In both cases, you must specifythe file name with the entire path when executing the program.
      Caution: To keep the runtime of the program as short as possible, youshould create database indexes before executing the program (especiallywhen processing a large volume of data - more than 50000 orders withautomatic debit). The indexes should always contain the fields 'BANKL'and 'BANKN'. You should create an index for the following tables: KNBK,LFBK, JKPA, JFDFS, JGTBKVW, JGTBKEZ, JHAISZ, JHTFX. You must deletethese indexes again afterwards since they can otherwise impedeproductive operation. You should not run this program parallel to normalonline processing or parallel to billing or settlement.

      The program displays statistics indicating how many changes were made tothe relevant tables.
      Afterwards, the program displays a log recording the changes to theindividual tables. If it was not possible to change any table entries(because they were not blocked or it was not possible to determine a newbank number from the file), this is listed in the error section of thelog together with the reason. The following errors can occur whendetermining the new bank number:

      • M2: Bank has no successor

      • The bank is marked as a termination in the bank directory although thereis no successor for it.
        • M3: Successor bank not found

        • The bank is marked as a termination with a successor bank in the bankdirectory. Although the successor bank exists in the bank directory,there is no bank with the indicator "Own bank number" for this (new)bank number.
          • M4: Successor bank not found

          • The bank is marked as a termination with a successor bank in the bankdirectory. However, the successor bank was not found in the bankdirectory.
            • M5: New bank number without main bank

            • The bank number for the bank has changed in the bank directory. However,there is no bank with the indicator "Own bank number" in the bankdirectory for the new bank number.
              The table entries for which these errors occur must be post-editedmanually. There is probably an error on the bank tape.
              If the parameter "Bank details flagged for del." is selected, the errorsection of the log also lists table entries for which the bank has adeletion flag (and for which no successor bank is defined). Theseentries are listed with the note:
              • M6: Bank flagged for deletion
              • Note
                The report determines the changes to the bank number according to thespecified file. However, the changes are only made if the correspondingbank with the new bank number exists in the bank directory.
                You can execute this report several times. This may be necessary ifchanges were not made because it was not possible to set blocks. If yourun the program again, it only affects table entries for which the banknumber has not yet been changed.