Title Purpose
Length: 10 Length: 50 Length: 4 Length: 2 Length:15 Length:18 Length:15 Length:18 Length: 50 Prerequisites Selection Bank country One or more bank numbers The bank details are selected by bank country and bank number. Logical file name Physical file name The name of the file must be specified, either as a logical or as aphysical file name. Presentation server Application server You can store the file either on the presentation server or on theapplication server. Text file Type of output file The records are written in a text file as individual lines. Text file with field separator The records are output in a text file as individual lines. Theindividual fields are also separated by tabulators. By business partner By bank number If sorting takes place by business partner, the bank details for eachbusiness partner are sorted by bank number. If sorting is by banknumber, the bank details are sorted by business partner within eachbank number. Output |