SAP Program RJGBDC_BANKKEY_CHANGE - Change Bank Number in Bank Details

Change Bank Number in Bank Details

This report changes the bank number in bank details in business partnermaster records.

In addition to bank details for the SAP Business Partner, the reportalso changes bank details in customer and vendor master data.

The SAP Business Partner must be active in IS-M.
Since the report changes master data, you should not run it duringoperative processing or while billing is taking place.

The bank details are selected by the old bank number. The bank numberis then changed in all selected bank details. No changes are made tothe other data in the bank details.


  • Bank country

  • Old bank number

  • New bank number

  • The bank details are selected by the bank country and the old banknumber.
    • Block size

    • To avoid problems with memory usage and speed up processing, it may beadvisable to define a smaller block size when the selection criteriaaffect a large number of business partners. Once the correspondingnumber of business partners have been processed, the changes are savedand the internal buffers deleted.
      • Test run

      • If you select this parameter, the changes are not saved.

        All messages are written to the application log and displayed after theprogram has run. Success messages and error messages are displayed intwo separate lists.
        You can display these logs at any time using transaction SLG1 with theobject ISM_BP.

        Use the log to check whether all the business partner master recordswere changed successfully. If this is the case, you can execute thereport again (for example, because business partners were locked at thetime) or change the bank details directly in the business partnermaster.