Description Period-related revenue distribution according to existing entries intable JFVA. Selection options: Company code Publication Year number Issue from - to Posting date - default current date Document date - default current date The program uses your selection criteria to determine the order numbersand process the appropriate records from table JFVA. In the standardsystem, all records are grouped into one document by publication andcurrency. If the document exceeds 240 posting lines, a follow-ondocument is set up. The document number assigned is recorded in tableJFVA so that a reference is possible between the transfer and thedistribution documents. The following user exits are defined: User exit 600: Document header data User exit 601: Posting line for clearing account User exit 602: Posting line for revenue account User exit 604: Change of group for document User exit 605: Sorting for change of group for document User exit 606: Use of original VAT code from billing document Precondition There is a unique order number in the issue for each issue/year number. Table T003 : Document type maintenance (for table TJF03) Table TJF03 : Document type maintenance for accounting document. Thereis a fixed value of 3 for the transfer type. Customizing path: Billing -> Billing in Media Sales and Distribution ->Transfer of Billing Documents to Financial Accounting -> RevenueAccrual -> Maintain document type determination for recurring entries. Table TJL05 : Definition of number range for document type assigned inTJF03. Customizing path: Billing -> Billing in Media Sales and Distribution ->Transfer of Billing Documents to Financial Accounting -> Definedocument types for Financial Accounting Table TJL26 : Assignment of clearing account to revenue account Customizing path: Billing -> Billing in Media Sales and Distribution ->Transfer of Billing Documents to Financial Accounting -> RevenueAccrual -> Convert clearing accounts to G/L accounts Table TJG90 : Definition of VAT code for revenue distribution posting Customizing path: Billing -> Billing in Media Sales and Distribution ->Transfer of Billing Documents to Financial Accounting -> Assign VATcodes Set up a number range, using the customizing path Billing -> GeneralSettings -> Define number ranges for billing and choosing thetransaction 'Define number ranges for FI/RF collective documents'. Thisnumber range must be set up externally in the target system. The appropriate function module for the remote function call must beset up for each company code for the event VAUEBL. Default function module: ISP_FI_DOCUMENT_ADD_BTCI Session: ISP_VA_UEB Output A posting session in the Financial Accounting system The posting material is displayed as a list |