Period-related revenue accrual distributes revenue from a billingdocument among the relevant posting periods when the billing documentis transferred to Financial Accounting. If the fiscal year variant usedhas 12 posting periods - in this case the posting periods correspond tocalendar months - the revenue from a billing document for the billingperiod January 1st to December 31st is distributed evenly among 12posting periods when the billing document is transferred. Selection criteria for period-related revenue accrual: Fiscal month and fiscal year (exclusive or up to and including) Number of transfer run for billing document transfer to FinancialAccounting The revenue is distributed proportionally among all the issues in thebilling period when the billing document is transferred. Selection criteria for revenue accrual per issue: Publication Edition Publication date of issue Revenue is not posted but simply accrued when the billing documents aretransferred. The revenue is not due until the service is performed,i.e. when amortization takes place. Depending on the accounting method, the revenue is either due after thebilling document has been transferred to Financial Accounting or is dueindependently of billing document transfer. Selection criteria for service-related revenue accrual with liabilityaccount: Publication Edition Publication date of issue In addition, this program creates the closing entries fordelivery-related liability accounts if you select the field When you close delivery-related liability accounts, the revenueaccounts are cleared at the end of the billing cycle. Precondition The posting periods must be maintained in Financial Accounting. All issues in the billing period must be generated when the billingdocuments are transferred to Financial Accounting. The CO order should not be recorded in the issue until the revenueaccrual transfer to Financial Accounting. Output |