SAP Program RJFINV02 - Media Sales and Distribution - Print Invoices for Retailers

This print report prints an invoice for a retailer using a SAPscriptform in output control.

The report is called up externally. The start routine is the formroutine 'ENTRY', which must be entered in the customizing settings foroutput control. The program and the routine must be specified for theappropriate condition type. The form for printing can also be assignedhere.
Printing in collective processing is triggered by report RJNAST00.

The layout of the output can be changed using the form. You can use thefields from the billing document header (JFRK), the billing items(JFRP) and the conditions (KOMVD).
The addresses are output on the basis of extended address management,where a print format can be assigned for each form and business partnerrole. The standard setting is an output of 6 lines.
The bill-to party (role RE) and alternative ship-to party (role WE) areoutput using print formats and an alternative payer (role RG) using theform (structure RJFSCRIPT).
Any totals fields or additional fields required are contained in thedictionary structure RJFSCRIPT.

525529M/SD: Invoice printout: Tax number for article 14