Description Selection screen
Data selection options: This defines the periods for evaluation according to the bank statementdate; you do not have to specify a second period. Bank returns are evaluated for the publications specified here; if youleave the field blank, the report evaluates bank returns for allpublications. The report evaluates the bank returns for the editions specified here;if you leave the field blank, the report evaluates bank returns for alleditions. If you specify an edition, you must also specify thepublication to which it belongs. You can specify criteria for all three of the above; if you leave thefields blank, the report evaluates all bank returns regardless of thesecriteria. The report evaluates the bank returns for these reasons; if you leavethis field blank, evaluation is performed for all bank returnsregardless of the reasons. Output control options The list can be summarized either by edition or by publication. If itis summarized by publication, no individual lines are displayed for theedition. You can select one or more than one of the following parameters todetermine which bank return data is to be evaluated: Number Billing amount Return amount Return charge Output Feature / key columns This field either contains a number or an indicator for the type ofamount and the currency of the amount. BA - Billing amount RA - Return amount RC - Return charge Each currency has its own line. Key figure columns Special features Number Bank returns based on a billing document containing several items arelisted several times in the statistics according to the number ofitems. At the end of the list, the report displays the total number ofbank returns evaluated and indicates how many of these were countedmore than once. The resulting number of multiple entries is alsodisplayed. Example: If a bank return is based on a billing document containing 5items, the number of multiple entries for this bank return is 4. Billing amounts The gross amounts for the individual billing items are read from thebilling document. If the total of the gross amounts does not correspondto the billing amount in the bank return, this is noted in the errorlog and the bank return is excluded from the evaluation. Return amounts and charges The return amounts and charges are distributed between the individualitems weighted according to the relationship between the gross amountfor the billing item to the billing amount in the bank return.Remaining amounts that arise due to rounding are added to the lastitem. |