Description XPRA for IS-M/SD release 3.02: XPRA for converting new fields in publication (JDTDRER) for orderaccount assignment and shipping for backdated subscriptions. (The program only converts title publications since the new fields arenot relevant for ad pre-prints). Cause: Issue account assignment New fields: Publication: JDTDRER-XSOFORTVS/XMITLFGVS/XOHNERWVS (radio buttons) Backdated shipping: Fields that have existed since 3.01 are only converted if this has notyet taken place: Publication: JDTDRER-XVAKONT/XPVAKONT/XOHNEKONT (radio buttons) Issue: JDTVAUSGB-RK_AUFNR/RK_POSNR/CO_AUFNR (These fields have been used in the edition since M/SD release 2.21) Conversion logic for JDTDRER (titles only): - Conversion logic for issue account assigment: If the radio buttons are initial, conversion takes place. (The fields for issue account assignment have existed since 3.01) Conversion logic: If at least one edition has an account number (RK or CO), JDTDRER-XPVAKONT is set, otherwise JDTDRER-XOHNEKONT. - Conversion logic for backdated shipping: If there is no backdated subscription for the publication, JDTDRER-XOHNERWVS is set, otherwise JDTDRER-XSOFORTVS. |