SAP Program RJDVAEXTERN_PROT - Display Log of External Issue Transfer

Report RJDVAEXTERN_PROT lists the following log entries:

  • Logs from external issue management

  • Logs from the function "Move publication date of a media issue"
  • Purpose
    In external issue management, activities performed are logged in thestandard application log. You can use this report to select the entriesin this application log.

    • You can restrict selection by the following criteria:

    • External number
      Period (date/time)
      Log origin
      Log class
      Log creation
      • The external number has the following structure:

      • Activity:/publication/edition/publication date/copy number
        (For example, data transfer using function module ISM_API_ISSUE_APPENDfor publication DTEST001, edition PTEST001, publication date 1/1/3000and copy number H01-3000 is saved under the external number
        "APPEND:/DTEST001/PTEST001/01.01.3000/01-3000 "
        This external number can be used (with masking) for selection.

        The logs are formatted according to standard application logformatting.