Description The due date scenario functionality has been extended so that you cannow define due dates for absolute points in time as well. This andother enhancements to the functionality and in the definition of duedate scenarios necessitates this report, which has the job ofconverting existing due date scenarios. Procedure: The due date scenario definition is retained. The fictitiousflows are stored as a period block with the name . In the header information of the due date scenario, thefictitious changes are defined as 1x the period block. You need to maintain the long and short descriptions for the periodblocks manually within customizing. These texts are purely fordocumentation purposes, however.Precondition If the report terminates during the upgrade, you can restart itmanually at any time (RJBRFSZ). Example DDS items: MANDT ABLAUFFIKT FIKTCFNR STEPS ZEITEINH ABLAUFREL (Client)(Fict.outf)( unit)(Rel.outfl) 300 FUS 100 01 02 10.00 300 FUS 200 01 02 20.00 300 FUS 300 01 03 20.00 This becomes: Header info: MANDT ABLAUFFIKT SZNBEGINN SZNENDE SOCKEL ABSKENNZ (Client)(Fict.outf)(Scen.start)(Scen.end)(Base) (Absol.ind) 300 FUS 00000000 00000000 0.0 Relative setting: MANDT ABLAUFFIKT FIKTCFNR PERIODENBLOCK ANZAHL (Client)(Fict.outf)( (Per.block) (Quantity) 300 FUS 100 FUS1 1 Period block definition: MANDT PERIODENBLOCK (Client) (Per.block) 300 FUS1 PB settings: MANDT PERIODENBLOCK FIKTCFNR STEPS ZEITEINH ABLAUFREL (Client) (Per.block) ( unit)(Rel.outf) 300 FUS1 100 01 02 10.00 300 FUS1 200 01 02 20.00 300 FUS1 300 01 03 20.00 |