Purpose You use this report to delete the analysis part of financial objects. There are two types of deletion:
- Deactivating financial objects>
- Deleting financial objects>
In this case, the system deletes the financial objects from thedatabase.Features The system does the following for all selection parameters: Deletes the 'simple' tables JBREGSH, JBRBSTV, and JBRUBSTV from thedatabase (single transactions, positions, non-interest-bearingpositions) Deletes tables JBRBPCFVN (loans) and JBRACCOUNT (variable transactions,accounts) from the database Deletes table JBRBFART from the database Sets the relevance indicator in the analysis in JBDOBJ1. The system setsthis indicator only if there is an entry in JBROBJ1. Deletes or sets the active indicator for the analysis based on thesetting of the indicator Set Analysis Parameters to Active > inJBDOBJ1 You can also use the following indicators to control the processing:
- Correction of Totals Records> indicator
If you set this indicator, the system subtracts cumulated values storedin tables JBRBPCFVN (loans) and JBRACCOUNT (variable transactions, andaccounts) from the tables for balances. The tables for balances areJBRBPCFKN, JBRBPCFZN, and JBRAMOUNT. Note:> It only makes sense to set this indicator for loans, accounts, andvariable transactions.
- Generate Balance Carried Forward for Current Account >indicator
If you set this indicator, then the system regenerates table JBRACCOUNT.However, this occurs for accounts only, and not> for variabletransactions. Notes:> Setting this indicator is only useful for accounts and only when youalso set the Set Analysis Parameters to Active indicator. If you want to regenerate table JBRACCOUNT for variable transactions,then you have to start the Edit Financial Objects> report insave> mode. Alternatively, you can save the financial objects inthe change mode of the Edit Financial Objects> transaction.
- Set Analysis Parameters to Active> indicator
If you set this indicator, then the analysis parameters of the financialobjects are saved actively. If this indicator is not> set, thenthe financial objects are merely deactivated.
- Final Deletion of Analysis Parameters> indicator
If you set this indicator, then the system deletes from the database theentries in tables JBROBJ1 and I73xxxx, and sets the analysis-relevantdata in table JBDOBJ1 to initial. These are analysis active, RM relevant , start date and end date.
- Delete Analysis Parameters without Financial Object indicator>
If you set this indicator, the system deletes from the database theentries in tables JBRACCOUNT, JBROBJ1, and I73xxxx for which there areno general financial object parts (table JBDOBJ1). Note:> You use this indicator to remove inconsistent data from the database. isbrm